Tips, Tricks, and Best Practices for Distributed RDO Teams

While a lot of RDO contributors are remote, there are many more who are not and now find themselves in lock down or working from home due to the coronavirus. A few members of the RDO community requested tips, tricks, and best practices for working on and managing a distributed team.
I mean, obviously, there needs to be enough bandwidth, which might normally be just fine, but if you have a partner and kids also using the internet, video calls might become impossible.
Communicate with the family to work out a schedule or join the call without video so you can still participate.
Manage Expectations
Even if you’re used to being remote AND don’t have a partner / family invading your space, there is added stress in the new reality.
Be sure to manage expectations with your boss about priorities, focus, goals, project tracking, and mental health.
This will be an ongoing conversation that evolves as projects and situations evolve.
Know Thyself
Some people NEED to get ready in the morning, dress in business clothes, and work in a specific space. Some people can wake up, grab their laptop and work from the bed.
Some people NEED to get up once an hour to walk around the block. Some people are content to take a break once every other hour or more.
Some people NEED to physically be in the office around other people. Some will be totally content to work from home.
Sure, some things aren’t optional, but work with what you can.
Figure out what works for you.
Embrace #PhysicalDistance Not #SocialDistance
Remember to stay connected socially with your colleagues. Schedule a meeting without an agenda where you chat about whatever.
Come find the RDO Technical Community Liaison, leanderthal, and your other favorite collaborators on Freenode IRC on channels #rdo and #tripleo.
For that matter, don’t forget to reach out to your friends and family.
Even introverts need to maintain a certain level of connection.
Further Reading
There’s a ton of information about working remotely / distributed productivity and this is, by no means, an exhaustive list, but to get you started:

Ergonomic Essentials for Remote Working
Cornell University Ergonomics
Wikipedia.Org Time Management
You’re Taking Breaks The Wrong Way
WHO | Health Workforce Burnout
Wikipedia.Org Stress Management
Lessons from Community Leaders on Working Remote
Top 15 Tips To Effectively Manage Remote Employees

Now let’s hear from you!
What tips, tricks, and resources do you recommend to work from home, especially in this time of stress? Please add your advice in the comments below.
And, as always, thank you for being a part of the RDO community!
Quelle: RDO

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