Swarm Mode with Fleet Management and Collaboration now in public beta, powered by Docker Cloud

With the introduction of swarm mode in 1.12, we showed the world how simple it can be to provision a secure and fully-distributed Docker cluster on which to deploy highly available and scalable applications. The latest Docker 1.13 builds on and improves these capabilities with new features, such as secrets management.
Continuing with the trend that simplicity is paramount to empowering individuals and teams to achieve their goals, today we are bringing swarm mode support to Docker Cloud, with a number of new cloud-enabled capabilities. All of this is in addition to the continuous integration (CI) features of Docker Cloud, including automatic builds, tests, security scans and the world’s largest hosted registry of public and private Docker image repositories.

Fleet Management using Docker ID
Keeping track of many swarms sprawling multiple regions or cloud providers can be a challenge. And securely connecting to remote swarms with TLS means teams must also spend time configuring and maintaining a Public Key Infrastructure. By registering your new or existing swarms with Docker Cloud, teams can now easily manage a large number of swarms running anywhere, and only need their Docker ID to authenticate and securely access any of them.
Docker for AWS and Docker for Azure Integration
Individuals and teams can now also provision new swarms on their IaaS provider of choice using Docker Cloud. Swarms are created using Docker CE for AWS and Docker CE for Azure, which allows these swarms to take advantage of the native capabilities of their respective cloud platforms. Swarms provisioned this way are automatically registered with Docker Cloud and can be accessed remotely and securely using your Docker ID.

Swarm Collaboration
Using the team capabilities in Docker Cloud, organizations have full control over who has access to which swarms. Allowing you, for example, to grant your development team access to your staging swarms, and your operations team access to your production swarms.
Docker for Mac and Docker for Windows Integration
We’re bringing fleet management to the developer desktop too! When using Docker for Mac or Docker for Windows, simply login with your Docker ID to see a list of all your accessible swarms registered with Docker Cloud. From there, it’s a single click to securely connect to any swarm and begin managing it. You and your team can easily check the status of an existing application or deploy new applications right from within your local shell.
But wait, there’s more! Docker for Mac and Docker for Windows users that login using their Docker ID can now also create and manage public and private repositories directly through their desktop application.
Please note: fleet management and other integrations with Docker Cloud are currently only available in the Docker for Mac and Docker for Windows edge channel.

Under the hood of Swarm Mode with Fleet Management and Collaboration
Swarm mode with Fleet Management and Collaboration, powered by Docker Cloud, is only possible thanks to the many and diverse open source projects and tools created by Docker and its open source contributors. This announcement is the culmination of work that spans our open source SwarmKit project, our best-in-class IaaS integrations with the industry’s top cloud providers, the native Docker for Mac and Docker for Windows applications, and Docker’s own hosted cloud services. This is an experience that only Docker can deliver.
It is our mission to build tools of mass innovation. At Docker we build powerful technology that is simple to use, providing individuals and teams with the tools they need to accomplish their goals. We hope you enjoy this newest public beta release and look forward to your feedback.
Check out these additional resources to learn more:

Docs for Swarm Mode in Docker Cloud
Get Docker for Mac (edge channel)
Get Docker for Windows (edge channel)
Watch the Fleet Management demo
E-mail us your feedback

 Fleet management and collaboration for Docker now availableClick To Tweet

The post Swarm Mode with Fleet Management and Collaboration now in public beta, powered by Docker Cloud appeared first on Docker Blog.
Quelle: https://blog.docker.com/feed/

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