OpenStack 3rd Party CI with Software Factory


When developing for an OpenStack project, one of the most important aspects to cover is to ensure
proper CI coverage of our code. Each OpenStack project runs a number of CI jobs on each commit to
test its validity, so thousands of jobs are run every day in the upstream infrastructure.

In some cases, we will want to set up an external CI system, and make it report as a 3rd Party CI
on certain OpenStack projects. This may be because we want to cover specific software/hardware
combinations that are not available in the upstream infrastructure, or want to extend test
coverage beyond what is feasible upstream, or any other reason you can think of.

While the process to set up a 3rd Party CI is documented,
some implementation details are missing. In the RDO Community, we have been using Software Factory
to power our 3rd Party CI for OpenStack, and it has worked very reliably over some cycles.

The main advantage of Software Factory is that it integrates all the pieces of the OpenStack CI
infrastructure in an easy to consume package, so let’s have a look at how to build a 3rd party CI
from the ground up.


You will need the following:

An OpenStack-based cloud, which will be used by Nodepool to create temporary VMs where the CI jobs
will run. It is important to make sure that the default security group in the tenant accepts SSH
connections from the Software Factory instance.
A CentOS 7 system for the Software Factory instance, with at least 8 GB of RAM and 80 GB of disk.
It can run on the OpenStack cloud used for nodepool, just make sure it is running on a separate
DNS resolution for the Software Factory system.
A 3rd Party CI user on Follow this guide to configure it.
Some previous knowledge on how Gerrit and Zuul
work is advisable, as it will help during the configuration process.

Basic Software Factory installation

For a detailed installation walkthrough, refer to the Software Factory documentation.
We will highlight here how we set it up on a test VM.

Software installation

On the CentOS 7 instance, run the following commands to install the latest release of Software Factory (2.6 at the time of this article):

$ sudo yum install -y
$ sudo yum update -y
$ sudo yum install -y sf-config

Define the architecture

Software Factory has several optional components, and can be set up to run them on more than one system.
In our setup, we will install the minimum required components for a 3rd party CI system, all in one.

$ sudo vi /etc/software-factory/arch.yaml

Make sure the nodepool-builder role is included. Our file will look like:

description: “OpenStack 3rd Party CI deployment”
– name: managesf
– install-server
– mysql
– gateway
– cauth
– managesf
– gitweb
– gerrit
– logserver
– zuul-server
– zuul-launcher
– zuul-merger
– nodepool-launcher
– nodepool-builder
– jenkins

In this setup, we are using Jenkins to run our jobs, so we need to create an additional file:

$ sudo vi /etc/software-factory/custom-vars.yaml

And add the following content

nodepool_zuul_launcher_target: False

Note: As an alternative, we could use zuul-launcher to run our jobs and drop Jenkins. In that case,
there is no need to create this file. However, later when defining our jobs we will need to use the
jobs-zuul directory instead of jobs in the config repo.

Edit Software Factory configuration

$ sudo vi /etc/software-factory/sfconfig.yaml

This file contains all the configuration data used by the sfconfig script. Make sure you set the
following values:

Password for the default admin user.

admin_password: supersecurepassword

The fully qualified domain name for your system.


The OpenStack cloud configuration required by Nodepool.

– auth_url:
name: microservers
password: cloudsecurepassword
project_name: mytestci
region_name: RegionOne
regions: []
username: ciuser

The authentication options if you want other users to be able to log into your instance of
Software Factory using OAuth providers like GitHub. This is not mandatory for a 3rd party CI.
See this part of the documentation for details.

If you want to use LetsEncrypt to get a proper SSL certificate, set:

use_letsencrypt: true

Run the configuration script

You are now ready to complete the configuration and get your basic Software Factory installation running.

$ sudo sfconfig

After the script finishes, just point your browser to https:// and you can see the
Software Factory interface.

Configure SF to connect to the OpenStack Gerrit

Once we have a basic Software Factory environment running, and our service account set up in, we just need to connect both together. The process is quite simple:

First, make sure the local Zuul user SSH key, found at /var/lib/zuul/.ssh/, is added
to the service account at

Then, edit /etc/software-factory/sfconfig.yaml again, and edit the zuul section
to look like:

default_log_site: sflogs
external_logservers: []
– name: openstack
port: 29418
username: mythirdpartyciuser

Finally, run sfconfig again. Log information will start flowing in /var/log/zuul/server.log,
and you will see a connection to port 29418.

Create a test job

In Software Factory 2.6, a special project named config is automatically created on the internal
Gerrit instance. This project holds the user-defined configuration, and changes to the project must
go through Gerrit.

Configure images for nodepool

All CI jobs will use a predefined image, created by Nodepool. Before creating any CI job, we need to
prepare this image.

As a first step, add your SSH public key to the admin user in your Software Factory Gerrit instance.

Then, clone the config repo on your computer and edit the nodepool configuration file:

$ git clone ssh:// sf-config
$ cd sf-config
$ vi nodepool/nodepool.yaml

Define the disk image and assign it to the OpenStack cloud defined previously:

– name: dib-centos-7
– centos-minimal
– nodepool-minimal
– simple-init
– sf-jenkins-worker
– sf-zuul-worker
QEMU_IMG_OPTIONS: compat=0.10

– name: dib-centos-7
image: dib-centos-7
min-ready: 1
– name: microservers

– name: microservers
cloud: microservers
clean-floating-ips: true
image-type: raw
max-servers: 10
boot-timeout: 120
pool: public
rate: 2.0
– name: private
– name: dib-centos-7
diskimage: dib-centos-7
username: jenkins
min-ram: 1024
name-filter: m1.medium

First, we are defining the diskimage-builder elements
that will create our image, named dib-centos-7.

Then, we are assigning that image to our microservers cloud provider, and specifying that we want
to have at least 1 VM ready to use.

Finally we define some specific parameters about how Nodepool will use our cloud provider: the
internal (private) and external (public) networks, the flavor for the virtual machines to create
(m1.medium), how many seconds to wait between operations (2.0 seconds), etc.

Now we can submit the change for review:

$ git add nodepool/nodepool.yaml
$ git commit -m “Nodepool configuration”
$ git review

In the Software Factory Gerrit interface, we can then check the open change. The config repo has
some predefined CI jobs, so you can check if your syntax was correct. Once the CI jobs show a
Verified +1 vote, you can approve it (Code Review +2, Workflow +1), and the change will be merged in
the repository.

After the change is merged in the repository, you can check the logs at /var/log/nodepool and see
the image being created, then uploaded to your OpenStack cloud.

Define test job

There is a special project in OpenStack meant to be used to test 3rd Party CIs,
openstack-dev/ci-sandbox. We will now define a CI job to “check” any new commit being reviewed there.

Assign the nodepool image to the test job

$ vi jobs/projects.yaml

We are going to use a pre-installed job named demo-job. All we have to do is to ensure it uses the
image we just created in Nodepool.

– job:
name: ‘demo-job’
defaults: global
– prepare-workspace
– shell: |
echo “This is a demo job”
– zuul
node: dib-centos-7

Define a Zuul pipeline and a job for the ci-sandbox project

$ vi zuul/upstream.yaml

We are creating a specific Zuul pipeline
for changes coming from the OpenStack Gerrit, and specifying that we want to run a CI job for commits
to the ci-sandbox project:

– name: openstack-check
description: Newly uploaded patchsets enter this pipeline to receive an initial +/-1 Verified vote from Jenkins.
manager: IndependentPipelineManager
source: openstack
precedence: normal
open: True
current-patchset: True
– event: patchset-created
– event: change-restored
– event: comment-added
comment: (?i)^(Patch Set [0-9]+:)?( [w+-]*)*(nn)?s*(recheck|reverify)
verified: 0
verified: 0

– name: openstack-dev/ci-sandbox
– demo-job

Note that we are telling our job not to send a vote for now (verified: 0). We can change that later
if we want to make our job voting.

Apply configuration change

$ git add zuul/upstream.yaml jobs/projects.yaml
$ git commit -m “Zuul configuration for 3rd Party CI”
$ git review

Once the change is merged, Software Factory’s Zuul process will be listening for changes to the
ci-sandbox project. Just try creating a change and see
if everything works as expected!


If something does not work as expected, here are some troubleshooting tips:

Log files

You can find the Zuul log files in /var/log/zuul. Zuul has several components, so start with checking server.log
and launcher.log, the log files for the main server and the process that launches CI jobs.

The Nodepool log files are located in /var/log/nodepool. builder.log contains the log from image
builds, while nodepool.log has the log for the main process.

Nodepool commands

You can check the status of the virtual machines created by nodepool with:

$ sudo nodepool list

Also, you can check the status of the disk images with:

$ sudo nodepool image-list

Jenkins status

You can see the Jenkins status from the GUI, at https:///jenkins/, if logged on with the admin
user. If no machines show up at the ‘Build Executor Status’ pane, that means that either Nodepool could
not launch a VM, or there was some issue in the connection between Zuul and Jenkins. In that case,
check the jenkins logs at `/var/log/jenkins`, or restart the service if there are errors.

Next steps

For now, we have only ran a test job against a test project. The real power comes when you create
a proper CI job on a project you are interested in. You should now:

Create a file under jobs/ with the JJB
definition for your new job.

Edit zuul/upstream.yaml to add the project(s) you want your 3rd Party CI system to watch.

Quelle: RDO

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