Introducing IBM UrbanCode Deploy on Cloud

Imagine doing application deployments from the cloud.
Today, many companies have strategic initiatives to move as many applications as they can to the cloud.  In his report Six Trends That Will Shape DevOps Adoption in 2017 And Beyond, Robert Stroud, principal analyst serving infrastructure and operations professionals at Forrester Research, writes:
Cloud is no longer just for new applications. It is rapidly becoming the default choice for both new workloads and an emerging number of workloads that are being lifted and shifted to take advantage of dynamic scaling and perceived lower cost of cloud.
This is exactly why we’re introducing IBM UrbanCode Deploy on Cloud.
IBM UrbanCode Deploy on Cloud has IBM UrbanCode Deploy as its foundation, only now it is available as a service. UrbanCode Deploy is an industry-leading application release automation solution that makes deploying applications predictable, repeatable and auditable.
Deploying applications means moving new and updated software across environments: development to test, to staging, to production with control and visibility. UrbanCode Deploy has been adopted by leading companies worldwide and is used by hundreds of teams within IBM itself. Why? Reasons for adoption include unique capabilities for complex orchestration, configuration management and drift detection, approval gates, granular security controls and the ability to deploy applications virtually anywhere they are needed.
With UrbanCode Deploy on Cloud, your company pays a monthly subscription—no more license management—and IBM installs, configures, monitors, patches and upgrades the software. You use your IBM cloud credentials and a URL to access a private cloud environment—one that is restricted to your company’s designated employees. Employees spend time writing and perfecting deployment processes, share learnings, templates, and blueprints while deploying applications with automation to whatever environment you desire: IBM Cloud, other cloud providers, on premises data centers and even to the mainframe.
UrbanCode Deploy on Cloud has an added bonus: elastic usage. You purchase a number of agents for your expected usual deployment volume; each endpoint you deploy to requires an agent. However, in peak seasons, when you need to expand your management to more targets, you can temporarily scale up and be billed only for the amount you exceed your baseline.
To learn more about UrbanCode Deploy on Cloud, visit the official web page.
The post Introducing IBM UrbanCode Deploy on Cloud appeared first on Cloud computing news.
Quelle: Thoughts on Cloud

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