DockerCon 2017: Registration And CFP Now Open!

2017 tickets are now available! Take advantage of our lowest pricing today &; tickets are limited and Early Bird will sell out fast! We have extended DockerCon to a three-day conference with repeat sessions, hands-on labs and summits taking place on Thursday.
Register for DockerCon
The DockerCon 2017 Call for Proposals is open! Before you submit your cool hack or session proposals, take a look at our tips for getting selected below. We have narrowed the scope of sessions we’re looking for this year down to Cool Hacks and Use Cases. The deadline for submissions is January 14, 2017 at 11:59 PST.
Submit a talk

Proposal Dos:

Submitting a Cool Hack:
Be novel
Show us your cool hacks and wow us with the interesting ways you can push the boundaries of the Docker stack. Check out past audience favorites like Serverless Docker, In-the-air update of a drone with Docker and and building a UI for container management with Minecraft for inspiration.
Be clear
You do not have to have your hack ready by the submission deadline, rather, plan to clearly explain your hack, what makes it cool and the technologies you will use.
All Sessions:
To illustrate the tips below, check out the sample proposals with comments on why they stand out.
Clarify your message
The best talks leave the audience transformed: They come into the session thinking or doing things one way, and they leave armed to think about or solve a problem differently. This means that your session must have solid take-aways that the audience can apply to their use case. We ask for your three key take-aways in the CFP. Make sure to be specific about your audience transformation, i.e. instead of listing “the talk covers orchestration,” instead write, “the talk will go through a step-by-step process for setting up swarm mode, providing the audience with an live example of how easy it is to use.” This is also a great place to highlight what you will leave them with, i.e. “Attendees will have full unrestricted access to all the code I’m going to write and open-source for the talk.”
Keep in line with the theme of the conference
Conferences are organized around a narrative and DockerCon is a user conference. That means we&;re looking for proposals that will inform and delight attendees on the following topics:
Using Docker
Has Docker technology made you better at what you do? Is Docker an integral part of your company’s tech stack? Do you use Docker to do big things? Infuse your proposal with concrete, first-hand examples about your Docker usage, challenges and what you learned along the way, and inspire us on how to use Docker to accomplish real tasks.
Deep Dives
Propose code and demo heavy deep-dive sessions on what you have been able to transform with your use of the Docker stack. Entice your audience by going deeply technical and teach them how to do something they haven’t done.
Get specific
While you should submit a topic that is broad enough to cover a range of interests, sessions are a maximum of 40 minutes, so don’t try to boil the ocean. Stay focused on content that support your take-aways so you can deliver a clear and compelling story.
Inspire us
Expand the conversation beyond technical details and inspire attendees to explore new uses. Past examples include Dockerizing CS50: From Cluster to Cloud to Appliance to Container, Shipping Manifests, Bill of Lading and Docker &8211; Metadata for Containers and Stop Being Lazy and Test Your Software.
Be open
Has your company built tools used in production and/or testing? Remember the buzz around Netflix&8217;s Chaos Monkey and the excitement around it when it was released? If you have such a tool, revealing the recipe for your secret sauce is a great way to get your talk on the radar of DockerCon 2017 attendees.
Show that you are engaging
Having a great topic and talk is important, but equally important is execution and delivery. In the CFP, you have the opportunity to provide as much information as you can about presentations you have given. Videos, reviews, and slide decks will add to your credibility as an entertaining speaker.
Proposal Don&8217;ts
These items are surefire ways of not getting past the initial review.
Sales pitches
No, just don&8217;t. It&8217;s acceptable to mention your company&8217;s product during a presentation but it should never be the focus of your talk.
Bulk submissions
If your proposal reads as generic talk that has been submitted to a number of conferences, it will not pass the initial review. Granted that a talk can be a polished version of earlier talk, but the proposal should be tailored for DockerCon 2017.
If the proposal contains jargon, it&8217;s very likely that the presentation will also contain jargon. Although DockerCon 2017 is a technology conference, we value the ability to explain and make your points with clear and easy to follow language.
So, what happens next?
After a proposal is submitted, it will be reviewed initially for content and format. Once past the initial review, a committee of reviewers from Docker and the industry will read the proposals and select the best ones. There are a limited number of speaking slots and we work to achieve a balance of presentations that will interest the Docker community.
The deadline for proposal submission is January 14, 2017 at 11:59 PST.
We&8217;re looking forward to reading your proposals!
Submit a talk

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