Docker Weekly Roundup | October 23, 2016


The last week of October 2016 is over and you know what that means; another news . Highlights include Windows workloads with Image2Docker, part four of the SwarmKit series, and a Docker InfraKit test-drive! As we begin a new week, let’s recap our five top stories:

Windows Workloads with Image2Docker &; a community supported and designed project to demonstrate the ease of creating Windows Containers from existing servers. Interested parties are encouraged to fork it, play with it and contribute pull requests back to the community.

SwarmKit &8211; Part 4 &8211;  a tutorial series on Docker SwarmKit led by Gabriel Schenker. Part four of the series explains how to create a swarm in the cloud and run a sample application on it.

Docker Volumes  &8211; user instructions on how to make sure posts and images stay permanent via Docker volumes, even with an upgrade to a container image, as showcased by Alex Ellis.

InfraKit Test-Drive &8211; a detailed illustration of a sample Docker image created to demonstrate InfraKit’s self-healing operation via Ajeet Raina.  

Testing Swarm on Raspberry Pi &8211; a screencast of Docker swarm and how it’s able to recover from failure of an ethernet interface. Author Mathia Renner reinforces swarms ability to recover flawlessly from a reboot and crash. 

Weekly Roundup: Top 5 Docker stories for the week 10/23/16Click To Tweet

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