Docker Online Meetup #46: Introduction to InfraKit

In case you missed it, Solomon Hykes ( Founder and CTO) open sourced during his keynote address at LinuxCon Europe in Berlin last month. InfraKit is a declarative management toolkit for orchestrating infrastructure built by two Docker core team engineers, David Chung and Bill Farner. Read this blog post to learn more about InfraKit origins, internals and plugins including groups, instances and flavors.
During this online meetup, David and Bill explained what InfraKit is, what problems it solves, some use cases, how you can contribute and what&;s coming next.
InfraKit is being developed at


There are many ways you can participate in the development of InfraKit and influence the roadmap:

Star the project on GitHub to follow issues and development
Help define and implement new and interesting plugins
Instance plugins to support different infrastructure providers
Flavor plugins to support a variety of systems like etcd or mysql clusters
Group controller plugins like metrics-driven auto scaling and more
Help define interfaces and implement new infrastructure resource types for things like load balancers, networks and storage volume provisioners

Check out the InfraKit repository README for more info, a quick tutorial and to start experimenting — from plain files to Terraform integration to building a Zookeeper ensemble.  Have a look, explore and send us a PR or open an issue with your ideas!

Check out the video and slides from docker Online meetup &; intro to infrakit by @wfarnerClick To Tweet

The post Docker Online Meetup 46: Introduction to InfraKit appeared first on Docker Blog.

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