Docker and Booz Allen Hamilton Modernize Traditional Apps in Government IT

Existing applications and infrastructure account for the majority of IT spend in maintenance and support. Docker and Booz Allen Hamilton are partnering together to help Federal agencies modernize traditional apps with Docker Enterprise Edition (EE), deploy onto modern infrastructure to save infrastructure and operational costs, increase security and gain workload portability.
This program helps accelerate the path to modern microservices and infrastructure with containers:

First by containerizing the app in place and using container architecture to break up the app into smaller services over time
The full stack portability provided by Docker EE allows for workload consolidation for greater app density per server, accelerate hardware refresh cycles and cloud migration.
Lastly, Docker EE provides new levels of security for the legacy app. Scanning provides binary level visibility into components and their security profile for proactive remediation and configurable isolation properties can greatly reduce the attack surface area

View the webinar on demand here:

Here are some of the top Q&A from the session:
Q: What does Image2Docker exactly capture in the VM?
A: Image2Docker captures the application in the VM and pulls out what can be provided by the base image or the underlying linux/win kernel.
Q: When it comes to Docker, what do I do about other users who may be using a different Linux distro than I am?
A: Docker is supported on all major Linux distributions using a modern kernel. The containers are fully compatible between those distros and 100% portable from one OS host to another. View the supported OS list here.
Q: Do you have any metrics on how long an MTA engagement takes? Do you have it packaged as a week long effort or does it depend?
A: The MTA program is a 30 days program which is inclusive of one week onsite and three weeks remote. The program includes trial subscription of Docker Enterprise Edition (EE) and application migration services for 1-2 applications. The program is designed to demonstrate value very quickly while providing an opportunity to learn the Docker EE platform.
Q: What applications should I MTA and what about all the ones not covered in the Image2Docker tool? How do we deal with them?
The Image2Docker tool currently supports .NET and Java applications with more detectors coming soon. Give the Windows Server and Linux tools a try.
More Resources:

Learn More about Modernizing Traditional Apps
Register for an upcoming webinar
Try Docker Enterprise Edition for free

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