Cognitive tool helps professionals discover food trends

Like fashion, the world of food is ever-changing. What was trendy last month may not be in favor next month. For chefs, producers, retailers and food services companies, knowing what’s current is a vital part of staying relevant.
That’s why Barcelona-based Reimagine Food, an international hub devoted to boosting food innovation, developed SmartFoodS, a discovery tool that helps food professionals know about all the latest trends, industry news, academic studies, new products, start-up companies and other innovations in cuisine.

The company developed the tool on IBM Cloud, specifically using Watson Natural Language Understanding API on IBM Bluemix, which uses language detection, keyword extraction and sentiment analysis. It processes natural-language questions to offer up relevant results using the IBM Retrieve and Rank service, the Apache Solr search server and algorithms that get right to the heart of the query. The tool scours 40,000 information sources to find information.
“By building this discovery tool on the IBM Cloud, we have the ability to easily expand as the tool consumes more and more data, and as more and more people use it,” said Francesc Saldaña, corporate services manager at Reimagine Food.
As they do, professionals and organizations in the food production industry can keep cooking with confidence using a tool from Spain, producer of half the world’s olive oil and home to the world’s oldest restaurant, Sobrino de Botín, according to the Guinness Book of World Records.
Learn more about the power of Watson APIs.
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Quelle: Thoughts on Cloud

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