DockerCon Hands-on Labs now online

One of more popular activities at DockerCon is our Hands-on Labs, where you can learn to use the Docker tools you see announced on stage, or talked about in the breakout sessions. This year we had eight labs for people to work through, ranging from 20 minutes to an hour in length.

We’ve now moved these apps into the Docker Labs Repo so that everyone can use them. The Docker Labs Repo is where we put a bunch of learning content for people who want to learn Docker, from beginner to advanced security and networking labs.
Here are the new labs:
Continuous Integration With Docker Cloud
In this lab, you will learn how to configure a continuous integration (CI) pipeline for a web application using Docker Cloud’s automated build features.
Docker Swarm Orchestration Beginner and Advanced
In this lab, you will play around with the container orchestration features of Docker. You will deploy a simple application to a single host and learn how that works. Then, you will configure Docker Swarm Mode, and learn to deploy the same simple application across multiple hosts. You will then see how to scale the application and move the workload across different hosts easily.
Securing Apps with Docker EE Advanced / Docker Trusted Registry
In this lab, you will integrate Docker EE Advanced in to your development pipeline. You will build your application from a Dockerfile and push your image to the Docker Trusted Registry (DTR). DTR will scan your image for vulnerabilities so they can be fixed before your application is deployed.
Docker Networking
In this lab you will learn about key Docker Networking concepts. You will get your hands dirty by going through examples of a few basic networking concepts, learn about Bridge and Overlay networking, and finally learning about the Swarm Routing Mesh.
Windows Docker Containers 101
Docker runs natively on Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016. In this lab you’ll learn how to package Windows applications as Docker images and run them as Docker containers. You’ll learn how to create a cluster of Docker servers in swarm mode, and deploy an application as a highly-available service.
Modernize .NET Apps – for Devs
You can run full .NET Framework apps in Docker using the Windows Server Core base image from Microsoft. That image is a headless version of Windows Server 2016, so it has no UI but it has all the other roles and features available. Building on top of that there are also Microsoft images for IIS and ASP.NET, which are already configured to run ASP.NET and ASP.NET 3.5 apps in IIS.
This lab steps through porting an ASP.NET WebForms app to run in a Docker container on Windows Server 2016. With the app running in Docker, you can easily modernize it – and in the lab you’ll add new features quickly and safely by making use of the Docker platform.
Modernize .NET Apps – for Ops
You’ll already have a process for deploying ASP.NET apps, but it probably involves a lot of manual steps. Work like copying application content between servers, running interactive setup programs, modifying configuration items and manual smoke tests all add time and risk to deployments.
In Docker, the process of packaging applications is completely automated, and the platform supports automatic update and rollback for application deployments. You can build Docker images from your existing application artifacts, and run ASP.NET apps in containers without going back to source code.
This lab is aimed at ops and system admins. It steps through packaging an ASP.NET WebForms app to run in a Docker container on Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016. It starts with an MSI and ends by showing you how to run and update the application as a highly-available service on Docker swarm.
So check out these labs, or head on over the Docker Labs repo and check out the other great content we have there. And if that doesn’t satisfy you desire for hands-on learning, come to DockerCon Europe in October, where we’ll have yet more labs for you to try out the very latest in Docker tech.

More Hands-on Learning with the #DockerCon Labs, now available to allClick To Tweet

More Resources

Check out the Docker Labs repo for this and many more tutorials
Register for an upcoming Docker Webinar
Attend an upcoming Docker event near you

The post DockerCon Hands-on Labs now online appeared first on Docker Blog.

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