APM and DevOps: A complementary approach to agile, responsive development

Digital transformation has profound ramifications for your organization. The new landscape is disrupting business models, raising customer expectations and creating new channels to do business.
I bet you’re seeing the impact of digital transformation on your organization’s application development cycle as well. The rate of development probably isn’t decided entirely by you anymore. Instead, it’s driven by customers and the pace of the competitive marketplace—and the time between releases grows ever shorter.
Today, it’s standard for development teams to start on the next version of an application before the previous version is delivered or even completed. So how do you keep pace with these iterative, responsive and agile development cycles? An environment that incorporates both DevOps and end-to-end Application Performance Management (APM) is critical to business success.
What DevOps delivers

DevOps is a vital component of digital transformation. A recent survey by Evans Data found that 76 percent of developers polled considering DevOps to be very or somewhat important for their future.
DevOps breaks down the barrier between development and operations to deliver three key value propositions:

Accelerate the delivery of innovation with more frequent application updates
Reduce operational costs of delivering releases, eliminating expenses that have traditionally hindered agile delivery
Engage directly with the user base to focus development resources on high-value initiatives.

If you’re still uncertain how to make DevOps and APM a reality, download your very own APM DevOps for Dummies ebook.
What APM delivers
Before DevOps, APM tools used to be focused on production operations. But as more organizations adopt DevOps models, APM tools are expanding from operations into development. Development and testing environments tie closely to production environments, which makes APM easier to expand and implement. This enables development teams to take advantage of traditionally production-oriented APM capabilities that include:

Lower overhead and low cost monitoring
Management of complex dependencies and end-user experience
Highly scalable and flexible deployments with effective collaboration across development and operations

As one CIO of a retail organization summarized, “you’re going to increase productivity because you’re going to give the users [their] applications faster. You’re going to reduce IT resources and get more things done.”
Bring DevOps and APM together
To summarize, environments that incorporate both DevOps and complete APM enable development teams to be agile, responsive and ultimately more optimized for the dynamic, always-on hybrid cloud world. Embracing the DevOps methodology will help your organization reduce your delivery cycle times to hours instead of months, leaving more time to work on delivering a richer user experience.
Read this DevOps whitepaper to learn how development and operations can collaborate to optimize user experience every step of the way, leaving more time for your next big innovation.
Finally, check out all the DevOps expertise and best practices to be shared at IBM InterConnect 2017 in March.
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Quelle: Thoughts on Cloud

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