Community Blog Round Up 16 December 2019

We’re super chuffed that there’s already another article to read in our weekly blog round up – as we said before, if you write it, we’ll help others see it! But if you don’t write it, well, there’s nothing to set sail. Let’s hear about your latest adventures on the Ussuri river and if you’re NOT in our database, you CAN be by creating a pull request to
Reading keystone.conf in a container by Adam Young
Step 3 of the 12 Factor app is to store config in the environment. For Keystone, the set of configuration options is controlled by the keystone.conf file. In an earlier attempt at containerizing the scripts used to configure Keystone, I had passed an environment variable in to the script that would then be written to the configuration file. I realize now that I want the whole keystone.conf external to the application. This allow me to set any of the configuration options without changing the code in the container. More importantly, it allows me to make the configuration information immutable inside the container, so that the applications cannot be hacked to change their own configuration options.
Quelle: RDO

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