Announcing Storage Optimized Virtual Machines, L Series

We are excited to introduce a new series of virtual machine sizes. The L Series for Storage optimizes workloads that require low latency, such as NoSQL databases (e.g. Cassandra, MongoDB, Cloudera and Redis). This new series of VMs offers from up to 32 CPU cores, using the Intel® Xeon® processor E5 v3 family, similar to the CPU performance of the G-Series that is currently available.

L Series offers 4 new VM sizes from 4 cores, 32 GiB of memory, and 678 GB of fast local SSD, scaling up to 32 cores with 256 GiB of memory, and over 5.6 TB of local SSD. Please refer to the Azure VM pricing page for pricing details.

At general availability, L Series VMs are available in the following regions:

East US 2
West US
Southeast Asia
Canada Central
Canada East
Australia East

Please check the Azure services by region site for future updates to the geographic availability of L Series.

L Series: Standard and premium storage optimized

VM sizes
CPU Cores
Temporary Disk (SSD)
Max Network Bandwidth

32 GiB
678 GB

64 GiB
1388 GB

128 GiB
2807 GB
Very high

256 GiB
5630 GB
Very high

Note: Storage values for disk sizes use a legacy "GB" label. They are actually calculated in gibibytes, and all values should be read as "X GiB"
Quelle: Azure

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