What is container orchestration?

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The past several years have brought the onset of applications built in containers such as Docker containers, but running a production application means more than simply creating a container and running it on Docker Engine. It means container orchestration.
Understanding container orchestration
Before we get into the specifics of how it works, we should understand what is meant by container orchestration.
Containerization of applications makes it possible to more easily run them in diverse environments, because Docker Engine acts as the application’s conceptual “home”.  However, it doesn’t solve all of the problems involved in running a production application — just the opposite, in fact.
A non-containerized application assumes that it will be installed and run manually, or at least delivered via a virtual machine. But a containerized application has to be placed, started, and  provided with resources. This kind of container automation is why you need container orchestration tools.
These Docker container orchestration tools perform the following tasks:

Determine what resources, such as compute nodes and storage, are available
Determine the best node (or nodes) on which to run specific containers
Allocate resources such as storage and networking
Start one or more copies of the desired containers, based on redundancy requirements
Monitor the containers and in the event that one or more of them is no longer functional, replace them.

Multiple container orchestration tools exist, and they don’t all handle objects in the same way.
How to plan for container orchestration
In an ideal situation, your application should not be dependent on which container orchestration platform you’re using. Instead, you should be able to orchestrate your containers using any platform as long as you configure that platform correctly.
All of this relies, again, on knowing the architecture of your application so that you can implement it outside of the application itself.  For example, let’s say we’re building an e-commerce site.

We have a database, web server, and payment gateway, all of which communicate over a network.  We also have all of the various passwords needed for them to talk to each other.
The compute, network, storage, and secrets are all resources that need to be handled by the container orchestration platform, but how that happens depends on the platform that you choose.
Types of container orchestration platforms
Because different environments require different levels of orchestration, the market has spun off multiple container orchestration tools over the last few years.  While they all do the same basic job of container automation, they work in different ways and were designed for different scenarios.
Docker Swarm Orchestration
To the engineers at Docker, orchestration was a capability to be provided as a first class citizen.  As such, Swarm is included with Docker itself. Enabling Swarm mode is straightforward, as is adding nodes.
Docker Swarm enables developers to define applications in a single file, such as:
version: “3.7”
   image: dockersamples/atsea_db
     – “5432”
     POSTGRES_USER: gordonuser
     POSTGRES_DB_PASSWORD_FILE: /run/secrets/postgres-password
     POSTGRES_DB: atsea
     PGDATA: /var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata
     – atsea-net
     – domain-key
     – postgres-password
         – ‘node.role == worker’

   image: dockersamples/atsea_app
     – “8080”
     – atsea-net
     METADATA: proxy-handles-tls
       com.docker.lb.hosts: atsea.docker-ee-stable.cna.mirantis.cloud
       com.docker.lb.port: 8080
       com.docker.lb.network: atsea-net
       com.docker.lb.ssl_cert: wildcard_docker-ee-stable_crt
       com.docker.lb.ssl_key: wildcard_docker-ee-stable_key
       com.docker.lb.redirects: http://atsea.docker-ee-stable.cna.mirantis.cloud,https://atsea.docker-ee-stable.cna.mirantis.cloud
       com.libkompose.expose.namespace.selector: “app.kubernetes.io/name:ingress-nginx”
     replicas: 2
       parallelism: 2
       failure_action: rollback
         – ‘node.role == worker’
       condition: on-failure
       delay: 5s
       max_attempts: 3
       window: 120s
     – domain-key
     – postgres-password

   image: cna0/atsea_gateway
     – staging-token
     – atsea-net
       failure_action: rollback
         – ‘node.role == worker’

   name: atsea-net

   name: wildcard_docker-ee-stable_key
   file: ./wildcards.docker-ee-stable.key
   name: wildcard_docker-ee-stable_crt
   file: ./wildcards.docker-ee-stable.crt
   name: staging_token
   file: ./staging_fake_secret.txt
   name: postgres_password
   file: ./postgres_password.txt

In this example, we have three services: the database, the application server, and the payment gateway, all of which include their own particular configurations.  These configurations also refer to objects such as networks and secrets, which are defined independently.
The advantage of Swarm is that it’s got a small learning curve, and developers can run their applications in the same environment on their laptop as it will use when it runs in production. The disadvantage is that it’s not as full-featured as its companion, Kubernetes.
Kubernetes Orchestration
While Swarm is still widely used in many contexts, the acknowledged champion of container orchestration is Kubernetes. Like Swarm, Kubernetes enables developers to create resources such as groups of replicas, networking, and storage, but it’s done in a completely different way.
For one thing, Kubernetes is a separate piece of software; in order to use it, you must either install a distribution locally or have access to an existing cluster.  For another, the entire architecture of applications and how they’re created is totally different from Swarm.  For example, the application we created in the earlier example would look like this:
apiVersion: v1
 staging-token: c3RhZ2luZw0K
kind: Secret
 creationTimestamp: null
   io.kompose.service: staging-token
 name: staging-token
type: Opaque

apiVersion: v1
 postgres-password: cXdhcG9sMTMNCg==
kind: Secret
 creationTimestamp: null
   io.kompose.service: postgres-password
 name: postgres-password
type: Opaque

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
   kompose.version: 1.21.0 (HEAD)
 creationTimestamp: null
   io.kompose.service: payment-gateway
 name: payment-gateway
 replicas: 1
     io.kompose.service: payment-gateway
 strategy: {}
       kompose.version: 1.21.0 (HEAD)
     creationTimestamp: null
       io.kompose.network/atsea-net: “true”
       io.kompose.service: payment-gateway
       – image: cna0/atsea_gateway
         name: payment-gateway
         resources: {}
           – mountPath: /run/secrets/staging-token
             name: staging-token
       node-role.kubernetes.io/worker: “true”
     restartPolicy: Always
       – name: staging-token
             – key: staging-token
               path: staging-token
           secretName: staging-token
status: {}

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: NetworkPolicy
 creationTimestamp: null
 name: ingress-appserver
   – from:
       – namespaceSelector:
             app.kubernetes.io/name: ingress-nginx
       – podSelector: {}
     io.kompose.network/atsea-net: “true”
   – Ingress

apiVersion: v1
 domain-key: <snip>
kind: Secret
 creationTimestamp: null
   io.kompose.service: domain-key
 name: domain-key
type: Opaque

apiVersion: v1
 Domain-crt: <snip>
kind: Secret
 creationTimestamp: null
   io.kompose.service: domain-crt
 name: domain-crt
type: Opaque

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
   kompose.version: 1.21.0 (HEAD)
 creationTimestamp: null
   io.kompose.service: database
 name: database
   – name: “5432”
     port: 5432
     targetPort: 5432
   io.kompose.service: database
 loadBalancer: {}

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
   kompose.version: 1.21.0 (HEAD)
 creationTimestamp: null
   io.kompose.service: database
 name: database
 replicas: 1
     io.kompose.service: database
 strategy: {}
       kompose.version: 1.21.0 (HEAD)
     creationTimestamp: null
       io.kompose.network/atsea-net: “true”
       io.kompose.service: database
       – env:
           – name: PGDATA
             value: /var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata
           – name: POSTGRES_DB
             value: atsea
           – name: POSTGRES_DB_PASSWORD_FILE
             value: /run/secrets/postgres-password
           – name: POSTGRES_USER
             value: gordonuser
         image: dockersamples/atsea_db
         name: database
           – containerPort: 5432
         resources: {}
           – mountPath: /run/secrets/domain-key
             name: domain-key
           – mountPath: /run/secrets/postgres-password
             name: postgres-password
       node-role.kubernetes.io/worker: “true”
     restartPolicy: Always
       – name: domain-key
             – key: domain-key
               path: domain-key
           secretName: domain-key
       – name: postgres-password
             – key: postgres-password
               path: postgres-password
           secretName: postgres-password
status: {}

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: NetworkPolicy
 creationTimestamp: null
 name: atsea-net
   – from:
       – podSelector:
             io.kompose.network/atsea-net: “true”
     io.kompose.network/atsea-net: “true”

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
   kompose.version: 1.21.0 (HEAD)
 creationTimestamp: null
   io.kompose.service: appserver
 name: appserver
   – name: “8080”
     port: 8080
     targetPort: 8080
   io.kompose.service: appserver
 loadBalancer: {}

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
 creationTimestamp: null
   io.kompose.network/atsea-net: “true”
   io.kompose.service: appserver
 name: appserver
   – env:
       – name: METADATA
         value: proxy-handles-tls
     image: dockersamples/atsea_app
     name: appserver
       – containerPort: 8080
     resources: {}
       – mountPath: /run/secrets/domain-key
         name: domain-key
       – mountPath: /run/secrets/postgres-password
         name: postgres-password
   node-role.kubernetes.io/worker: “true”
 restartPolicy: OnFailure
   – name: domain-key
         – key: domain-key
           path: domain-key
       secretName: domain-key
   – name: postgres-password
         – key: postgres-password
           path: postgres-password
       secretName: postgres-password
status: {}

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
   kompose.version: 1.21.0 (HEAD)
 creationTimestamp: null
   io.kompose.service: appserver
 name: appserver
   – host: atsea.docker-ee-stable.cna.mirantis.cloud
         – backend:
             serviceName: appserver
             servicePort: 8080
   – hosts:
       – atsea.docker-ee-stable.cna.mirantis.cloud
     secretName: tls
  loadBalancer: {}
The application is the same, it’s just created in a different way. As you can see, the web application server, the database, and the payment gateway are still created using Kubernetes, just with a different structure. In addition, the support structures such as networks and secrets must be created. 
The additional complexity does bring a number of benefits, however. Kubernetes is much more full-featured than Swarm, and can be appropriate in both small and large environments.
Where to find container orchestration
Not only are there different types of container orchestration, you can also find it in different places, depending on your situation.
Local desktop/laptop
Most developers work on their desktop or laptop machine, so it’s convenient if the target container orchestration platform is available at that level.  
For Swarm users, the process is straightforward; Swarm is already part of Docker and just needs to be enabled. 
For Kubernetes, the developer needs to take an additional step to install Kubernetes on their machine, but there are several tools that make this possible, such as Kubeadm.
Internal network
Once the developer is ready to deploy, if the application will live on an on-premise data center, typically the user won’t need to install a cluster because it will have been installed by administrators; instead they will connect using the connection information given to them.
Administrators can deploy a number of different cluster types; for example, enterprise grade Docker Swarm clusters and Kubernetes clusters can be deployed by Docker Enterprise Container Cloud. 
Businesses that run their infrastructure on Amazon Web Services have a number of different choices. For example, you can run install Docker Enterprise on Amazon EC2 compute servers, or you can use Docker Enterprise Container Cloud to deploy clusters directly on Amazon Web Services. You also have the option to use specific container resources, such as Amazon Container Services or Amazon Kubernetes service.
Choices for Google cloud are similar; you can install a container management platform such as Docker Enterprise, or you can use Google Kubernetes Engine to spin up clusters using Google’s hardware and software — and their API.
The situation is the same for Azure Cloud: you must choose between deploying a distribution such as Docker Enterprise on compute nodes, providing Swarm and Kubernetes capabilities, or use the Azure Kubernetes Service to provide Kubernetes clusters to your users.
Getting started with container orchestration
The best way to get started with container orchestration is to simply pick a system and try it out!  You can try installing kubeadm, or you can make it easy on yourself and install a full system such as Docker Enterprise, which provides you with multiple options for container orchestration platforms.
The post What is container orchestration? appeared first on Mirantis | Pure Play Open Cloud.
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