Twitter turns to Watson to stop abuse before it starts

Twitter isn&;t taking bullying on its platform sitting down.
In remarks at IBM InterConnect this week, Twitter Vice President of Data Strategy Chris Moody said stopping abuse is the company&8217;s number one priority, though he admitted it is &;a very, very hard challenge.&;
Along with updates to its policies, another way Twitter is facing down that challenge is by bringing Watson in to analyze the wording of tweets.
&8220;Watson is really good at understanding nuances in language and intention,” Moody said. “What we want to do is be able to identify abuse patterns early and stop this behavior before it starts.”
Moody added that the early testing of using Watson&8217;s Tone Analyzer technology, which is available through IBM Bluemix, to identify abusive language is very promising. He said he&8217;d like to return to next year&8217;s InterConnect to share results.
For more of Moody&8217;s remarks, check out the full story on GeekWire or watch the video on IBMGO.
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