The First DockerCon with Windows Containers

DockerCon 2017 is only a few weeks away, and the schedule is available now on the DockerCon Agenda Builder. This will be the first DockerCon since Server 2016 was released, bringing native support for containers to Windows. There will be plenty of content for Windows developers and admins &; here are some of the standouts.

Windows and .NET Sessions
On the main stages, there will be hours of content dedicated to Windows and .NET.
Docker for .NET Developers
Michele Bustamante, CIO of Solliance, looks at what Docker can do for .NET applications. Michele will start with a full .NET Framework application and show how to run it in a Windows container. Then Michele will move on to .NET Core and show how the new cross-platform framework can build apps which run in Windows or Linux containers, making for true portability throughout the data center and the cloud.
Escape From Your VMs with Image2Docker
I’ll be presenting with Docker Captain Jeff Nickoloff, covering the Image2Docker tool, which automates app migration from virtual machines to Docker images. There’s Image2Docker for Linux, and Image2Docker for Windows. We’ll demonstrate both, porting an app with a Linux front end and a Windows back end from VMs to Docker images. Then we’ll run the whole application in containers on one Docker swarm, a cluster with Linux and Windows nodes.
Beyond “” &8211; the Path to WIndows and Linux Parity in Docker
Taylor Brown and Dinesh Govindasamy from Microsoft will talk about how Docker support was built for Windows Server 2016. Their session will cover the technical implementation in Windows, the current gaps between Docker on Linux and Docker on Windows, and the plans to bring parity to the Windows experience. This session is from the team at Microsoft who actually delivered the kernel changes to support Windows containers running in Docker.
Creating Effective Images
Abby Fuller from AWS will talk about making efficient Docker images. Optimized Docker images build quickly, are as small as possible, and include only the components needed to run the app. Abby will talk about image layers, caching, Dockerfile best practices, and Docker Security Scanning, in a cross-platform session which looks at Linux and Windows Docker images.
Other Sessions
Check out the topics in the Agenda Builder for sessions from speakers who have been using Docker in production, and seen a huge change in their ability to deliver quality software, quickly. These are Linux case studies, but the principles equally apply to Windows projects.

In Architecture, Cornell University use Docker Datacenter to run monolithic legacy apps alongside greenfield microservice apps &8211; with consistent monitoring and management
In Production, PayPal are on a  journey migrating all their legacy apps to Docker, and using Docker as their production application platform
In Enterprise, MetLife delivered a new microservice application running on Docker in 5 months, embracing new approaches to design, test and engineering.

Workshops are instructor-led sessions, which run on the Monday of DockerCon. There are a lot of great sessions to choose from, but for Windows folks these two are particularly well-suited:
Learn Docker. Get to grips with the basics of Docker, learning about the basics of images and containers, and moving on to networking, orchestration, security and volumes. This session will focus on Linux containers, which you can run with Docker for Windows, but the principles you’ll learn apply equally to Windows containers.
Modernizing Monolithic ASP.NET Applications with Docker. A workshop focused on Windows and ASP.NET. You’ll learn how to run a monolithic ASP.NET app in Docker without changing code, and then see how to break features out from the main app and run them in separate Docker containers, giving you a path to modernize your app without rebuilding it.
Hands-On Labs
As well as the main sessions and guided workshops, there will be hands-on labs for you to experience Docker on Windows. We’ll provision a Docker environment for you in Azure, and provide self-paced learning guides. The hands-on labs will cover:
Docker on Windows 101. Get started with Docker on Windows, and learn why the world is moving to containers. You’ll start by exploring the Windows Docker images from Microsoft, then you’ll run some simple applications, and learn how to scale apps across multiple servers running Docker in swarm mode
Modernize .NET Apps &8211; for Ops. An admin guide to migrating .NET apps to Docker images, showing how the build, ship, run workflow makes application maintenance fast and risk-free. You’ll start by migrating a sample app to  Docker, and then learn how to upgrade the application, patch the Windows version the app uses, and patch the Windows version on the host &8211; all with zero downtime.
Modernize .NET Apps &8211; for Devs. A developer guide to app migration, showing how the Docker platform lets you update a monolithic application without doing a full rebuild. You’ll start with a sample app and see how to break components out into separate units, plumbing the units together with the Docker platform and the tried-and-trusted applications available on Docker Hub.
Book Your Ticket Now!
DockerCon is always a sell-out conference, so book your DockerCon tickets while there are still spaces left. If you follow the Docker Captains on Twitter, you may find they have discount codes to share.

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