Simplicity matters: Kubernetes 1.16

Simplicity matters: Kubernetes 1.18.2 on your local machine with kubeadm and Multipass, Rancher k3s, RKE & more ..I was playing with Multipass VMs, Rancher k3s, RKE and Rancher Server on my laptop (MacOS) in the last 2 weeks and did some small implementations to fully automate the deployment of k3s, RKE and Rancher Server on my local machine, mainly for faster and cheeper testing of upgrades of RKE and Rancher and to provide a local real multi-node environment for trainings.This week the latest and greatest Kubernetes 1.16 was out and during this weekend I wanted to see how to get it running on multipass VMs on my laptop with kubeadm.You can find the result here on Github.TLDR: Multi-Node Kubernetes 1.16 with kubeadm on Multipassgit clone kubeadm-multipass./…####################################################################Enjoy :-)Total runtime in minutes was: 09:12####################################################################Update Nov. 2d / 2019Containerd support was added after our meetup today with the awesome Fahed Dorgaa. To deploy the containerd version, run:$ ./…NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSIONmaster Ready master 4m46s v1.18.2worker1 Ready node 52s v1.18.2worker2 Ready node 31s v1.18.2####################################################################Enjoy :-)Total runtime in minutes was: 06:22####################################################################k3s, Rancher Kubernetes Engine and Rancher Server on MultipassI don’t like to bother you with a long story and repeat myself, you can learn about the awesomeness of Rancher k3s, Rancher Server and RKE cluster on Multipass VMs on your local machine and enjoy or blame me on Github or give it a star, if it works for you.That’s it, Simplicity matters!Questions?Join us on Kubernauts Slack channel or add a comment here.We’re hiring!We are looking for engineers who love to work in Open Source communities like Kubernetes, Rancher, Docker, etc.If you wish to work on such projects please do visit our job offerings page.Simplicity matters: Kubernetes 1.16 was originally published in Kubernauts on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.