Modernize Traditional Applications by Docker Webinar Recap

IT organizations continue to spend 80% of their budget on simply maintaining their existing applications while only spending 20% on innovation. That ratio has not changed over the last 10 years, and yet, there’s no shortage of pressure to innovate. Whether it comes directly from your customers asking for new features, or it comes from your management chain, the story is the same; you have to do more with less.

Thankfully, there is Modernize Traditional Applications from Docker. Where you can take your existing legacy applications, the same ones that underline your business, and make them 70% more efficient, more secure, and best of all – portable across any infrastructure. And you can do all of that, without touching a single line of the underlying application code. Sounds too good to be true right? Well, watch the recording below and you’ll see that it’s absolutely possible.

Give your legacy application modern capabilities without touching code using Docker EE by way of…Click To Tweet

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