IBM Cloud SVP: Cloud is moving into its next phase of innovation

During the first wave of , many organizations viewed it as little more than a way to cut costs, but now, they’re seeing it as something far more versatile.
In an interview with Network World, IBM Cloud Senior Vice President Robert LeBlanc said, “I think we’re moving to the next phase of cloud and that’s where the cloud is becoming a platform for innovation.”
LeBlanc said the cloud is enabling clients to develop new business models and processes, as well as dig into mobile technology much faster than they could in the past. He explained:
The reason is they now have access to capability and technology that before would have required a level of investment. They would have to procure servers, configure them, get them all ready, buy software and that literally can take months when in most cases now, with little or no investment, they can get access to newer technologies. That’s what I call the value and where the cloud is now becoming a platform for innovation.
He cited the 30 cognitive services now available on IBM Cloud through Watson and 150 services available on the Bluemix platform. “Instead of having to build everything from scratch, I now have a real set of building blocks on which to build those next-generation applications,” he said.
LeBlanc also noted that cloud is “everything we do.” IBM is building new solutions on cloud, as well as bringing traditional offerings, such as middleware, onto the cloud.
For a deeper dive into the next phase of cloud, cloud revenue, private vs. public cloud, the CIO perspective and more, read the full interview at Network World.
The post IBM Cloud SVP: Cloud is moving into its next phase of innovation appeared first on Cloud Computing.
Quelle: Thoughts on Cloud