How to combine cognitive and rule-based decision management

Jean-Christophe Jardinier, BLogic Software, co-authored this post.

Businesses selling through digital channels have a critical balance to achieve. They must minimize the cost of selling while also maximizing the likelihood of success every time they offer a product or service to a customer.
Cognitive capabilities can help slash cost. Tools such as cognitive chatbots can anticipate the customer’s needs by asking the right questions and understanding the answers. All of this happens at a low operational cost.
For the maximizing success piece of the balancing act, consider rule-based decision management. Successful selling requires delivering a highly-personalized experience to your customer. Once you know what your customer needs, you have to propose an offer that addresses these expressed needs and takes into account what you already know about the customer. And you have to do all of this while complying with regulations, best practices and policies. A quality business rules management system makes this possible.
You also need to customize the messages to each customer. You need to use a language that is likely to resonate with the customer and highlights the features of the offer that matter to her. Consider the following example that shows how rule-based decision management can increase the likelihood of an offer’s success.
Your company is promoting a credit card offer. Your data shows that specific demographic profiles would likely respond well to free rides from popular ride-sharing apps. You can use the rules and customize messages to reach the people who are most likely to respond to a specific offer or benefit. For example, if the customer is young and in a city, then you could mention your credit card offer provides free rides from ride-sharing apps.
By using customized language while combining cognitive and a rule-based decision management system, the process has not only identified key characteristics about the customer that make her a great candidate for this offer, but was also able to determine and effectively communicate which features of the offer may be most appealing to her – in this case, free rides due to her age and location.
Want to dive deeper into using cognitive and decision-management? Join us at IBM InterConnect. Here are two can’t-miss sessions.
Session 1784: Watson + ODM = understanding what your customer needs and propose the right offer
In this session, we’ll show a demo that combines the Watson Conversation service available in Bluemix and IBM Operational Decision Manager (ODM). We’ll cover how you can automate as much as possible with Watson. We’ll also cover how to constantly improve your decisions and adapt to moving market conditions.
Session 2735: A next-gen, low-code, intelligent virtual assistant—context-aware and tied to legacy and cognitive
This session will introduce the next-generation customization intelligent virtual assistant. Companies can address the need to scale expertise without overloading their knowledge workers. Explore how to implement intelligent virtual assistants (IVAs) that leverage reusable assets, cognitive services such as Watson APIs, existing systems of record, decisions and workflows.
And there’s more. InterConnect will bring together more than 20,000 top cloud professionals to network, train and learn about the future of the industry. Register today.
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