Docker Gives Back at DockerCon

is actively working to improve opportunities for women and underrepresented minorities throughout the global ecosystem and promote diversity and inclusion in the larger tech community.
For instance, at DockerCon 2016, attendees contributed to a scholarship program through the Bump Up Challenge unlocking funds towards full-tuition scholarships for three applicants to attend Hack Reactor. We selected two recipients in 2016 and are excited to announce our third recipient, Tabitha Hsia, who is already in her first week of the program.
In her own words:

“My name is Tabitha Hsia. I grew up in the East Bay. I come from an art-focused family with my sister being a professional cellist, my mother being a professional pianist, and my great grandfather being a famous Taiwanese painter. I chose Hack Reactor because of their impressive student outcomes and their weekly schedule. Already in my first week, I have learned a ton of information from lectures and their wealth of resources. I have enjoyed pair programming the most so far. While the lectures expose me to new topics, applying the topics to actual problems has deepened my understanding the most. After graduation, my long-term goal is to become a virtual reality developer. Seeing the integration of the solutions and tools into society excites me.”

DockerCon Gives Back  
Following the success of previous DockerCon initiatives promoting diversity in the tech industry, we’re proud to continue our efforts at the upcoming DockerCon 2017 in Austin.
With this year’s program called DockerCon Gives Back, we’re recognizing four organizations that are doing outstanding work locally in Austin and globally. Attendees at the show will have the chance to connect and support these great organizations by dropping their token in their box &; each token represents a dollar that Docker will donate at the end of the conference.


Meet the DockerCon 2017 Diversity Scholarship winners
The DockerCon team is excited to announce the recipients of this year’s DockerCon Diversity Scholarship Program! The DockerCon Diversity Scholarship aims to provide support and guidance to members of the Docker Community who are traditionally underrepresented in tech through mentorship and a scholarship to attend DockerCon. Meet the recipients of this year’s scholarship here.

Congrats to our Austin scholarship winners! Learn more about how Docker Gives Back at To Tweet

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