A Day in the Life of a Docker Admin

About two months ago, we celebrated SysAdmin Day and kicked off our learning series for IT professionals. So far we’ve gone through the basics of containers and how containers are delivering value back to the company through cost savings. Now we begin the next stage of the journey by introducing how to deploy and operate containerized applications.
For the next few weeks, we are going to relate typical IT administrative tasks that many of you are familiar with to the tasks of a Docker admin. In the end, containerized applications are still applications and it is still primarily the responsibility of IT to secure and manage them. That is the same regardless of if the application runs in a container or not.
In this “A Day in the LIfe of a Docker Admin” series, we will discuss how common IT tasks translate to the world of Docker, such as:

Managing .NET apps and migrating them off Windows Server 2008
How networking with containers work and how to build an agile and secure network for containers
How to achieve a secure and compliant application environment for any industry
Integrating Docker with monitoring and logging tools

As a first step, let’s make sure we know how to deliver and deploy your first container.
Hello World!
Just like the first time you installed ESXi and built a virtual machine, or when you opened an account on AWS or Azure and spun up your first cloud instance, one of the first things anyone wants to do is deploy their first working Docker container.

With Docker, there are great hands-on systems you can use to get started right away, with nothing to download or install. The best place to start is the Play With Docker online classroom (PWD). PWD was started by a couple of our Docker Captains to do exactly what the name implies: get hands-on experience and learn. We have gathered together several labs geared towards IT pros into 3 stages, with a handful of short tutorials in each stage.
Stage 1: Hello World!
Create and run your first Docker containers, learn about images and layers, and then turn on Swarm Mode to run a multi-service / multi-container application in a cluster.
Stage 2: Dig Deeper
Learn about Docker platform security, securing containers, and Docker networking, and then combine all of your knowledge of Swarm Mode, Services, and Security in an Orchestration Workshop. Plus, there’s a link to our hosted Docker Enterprise Edition trial so you can try it all in the full system on our hosted site (still, free, of course).
Stage 3: Moving to Production
After you have seen and played with all the pieces, it is time to learn how to bring Docker in to your own environment. You can also download Docker for your own system on both Windows and Mac.
To learn more about Docker for IT Pros, be sure to check out these resources:

Watch this webinar on Docker + vSphere: Two Great Tools That Work Great Together
Sign up for our Docker for IT Pros newsletter for occasional updates on new assets and resources
Register for an upcoming Docker webinar

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The post A Day in the Life of a Docker Admin appeared first on Docker Blog.
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