Bluemix powers productivity for IBM Business Partners

What do data discovery, call center productivity and genomic data analytics have in common?
Though they’re functions of wildly different industries and businesses, they’re all areas in which IBM Business Partners have put Bluemix to use, driving digital transformation.
IBM launched Bluemix for its business partners channel in September 2015, and by the last quarter of 2016, almost a third of Bluemix signings were from partners. Those partners make use of the 54 IBM Cloud data centers worldwide to create custom solutions that make their businesses run more smoothly.
At the PartnerWorld Leadership Conference in Las Vegas this week, three such IBM Business Partners shared their successes with Bluemix:

Mark III Systems offers clients the IBM Cognitive Call Center on Bluemix to filter, analyze and take actions based on calls to and from client call centers. Working with call center software provider Cistera, Mark III’s development unit, BlueChasm, brought about an 80 percent increase in call center productivity.
Global information technology, consulting and business process services company Wipro offers clients the Bluemix-built Data Discovery Platform. The platform uses analytics to help clients anticipate problems and reduce costs. One client, Western Power in Australia, saved $5 million in one year on overhead power line replacement and maintenance.
Bluebee uses IBM Cloud bare metal servers, Aspera and Cloud Object Storage to run a cloud-based genomics platform that enables speedy processing of large volumes of data for cancer diagnostics. It has reduced time to diagnosis from five to two days.

Also at the PartnerWorld event, IBM announced the first-ever Watson Build, a program which encourages partners to brainstorm and pitch new cognitive business solutions, similar to a program for IBM employees. IBM will offer technical and business support while partner teams develop their solutions.
Along with those announcements, IBM unveiled a new PartnerWorld program which includes 40 competencies, including information, risk and protection; cloud video; high-speed transfer; continuous engineering, and global financing. Partners will also have access to a new voice-and-text-activated, Watson-based support tool called PartnerWorld Advisor.
Find out more about IBM PartnerWorld.
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Quelle: Thoughts on Cloud