6 IBM InterConnect Bootcamp labs developers shouldn’t miss

When learning about new technologies and tools, it often helps to get one’s hands just a little bit dirty and see what really makes them work.
That’s the idea behind the new Bootcamp labs at InterConnect 2017. These instructor-led labs will run three to four hours, providing enrollees the opportunity to do hands-on work with new products and technologies. Attendees can find a deeper dive in these sessions led by subject matter experts.
Here are the topics for all six Bootcamp labs:
1. Microservices-based application development mini-Bootcamp
This lab walks attendees through implementation of an application conforming to a microservice-based architecture. Attendees work with a microservice-based application in Bluemix, implement fabric components, and define backends for frontends (BFF) and API components. The application is built and deployed using a custom script to minimize errors while still allowing developers to oversee the implementation, performing a step-by-step evaluation of the architecture.
2. WebSphere 7 and 8 end-of-service and migration to WebSphere 9 and the cloud: Tools, tips and tricks lab
With the WebSphere 7 end-of-service announcement, this lab concerns what is involved in migrating applications to WebSphere 9, Liberty and the cloud. It covers best practices, steps and tools to assist in migrating the application server to WebSphere 9 and IBM Bluemix. Tools discussed include:

The WebSphere Migration Discovery tool
The WebSphere Binary scanner, which assesses complexity of applications and runtimes
The WebSphere Application Migration toolkit, which helps fix potential problems with code migration
WebSphere Configuration Migration toolkit, which is used to extract and move a configuration

3. DevOps and CSMO mini-Bootcamp
Learn how to get development and operations more tightly integrated in Bluemix by coupling Bluemix capabilities with cloud service management and operations. Explore some of the development, monitoring and operations tools in Bluemix. Better understand service-management issues for hybrid cloud applications versus private cloud applications. See why the concept of &;build to manage&; is especially relevant in a cloud environment. The intended audience is anyone who has an interest in Bluemix or Service Management and wants to see how the two worlds come together.
4. Event-driven and serverless computing with IBM Bluemix OpenWhisk
In this Bootcamp lab, attendees can explore the design and implementation of applications using event-driven and serverless technologies. They can learn compose and wire together microservice actions in response to events generated by humans as well as machines.
5. The practices of the Bluemix Garage developer: Extreme programming (for non-programmers)
This workshop immerses attendees who do not develop software into “extreme programming,” the flagship practice of the IBM Garage Method. Through group workshop activities, attendees can experience the ebb and flow of Bluemix Garage development cycles. They will try out pair programming, test-driven development, merciless refactoring and evolutionary architecture. Take away an appreciation of the rigor of extreme programming and learn why it makes the IBM Garage Method work.
6. Platform to Maximo/TRIRIGA hands-on lab
This lab offers attendees a basic understanding of how connected operations work. Use a simulated temperature sensor (a gauge meter in Maximo) to send a temperature reading to the Internet of Things (IoT) Quickstart. The message is then sent to NODERED, which parses the message. When a reading changes, it goes into a RESTAPI call that inserts the meter reading into the referenced asset meter readings. The reading updates the measure point and triggers a work order using Maximo’s inherit functionality or, if one elects to do the exercise using TRIRIGA, a work task.
You can see the detailed agenda of Bootcamp labs and enroll by using the IBM Events mobile app or InterConnect Session Expert. Attendees must enroll to secure seats in these sessions, so early enrollment is strongly suggested.
Follow @IBMCloudEdu to get the latest on boot camps and the InterConnect Hands-on Lab Center and don’t forget to register today and enroll for your Bootcamp labs.
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