What’s new at DockerCon 2017

If you’ve attended multiple DockerCons, you should know that the team is always looking for new and exciting programs to improve on the previous editions. Last year, we introduced a ton of new DockerCon programs including a new Black Belt Track, a DockerCon scholarships, Workshops, etc. This year we’re excited to introduce more DockerCon goodness!
Using Docker and Docker Deep Dive Tracks
In the past editions, we received great attendee feedback requesting to split the Docker, Docker, Docker track into two separate tracks. We’ve heard you and as a result are happy to introduce the Using Docker and Docker Deep Dive tracks.
The Using Docker track is for everyone who’s getting started with Docker or wants to better implement Docker in their workflow. Whether you’re a .NET, Java or Node.js  developer looking to modernizing your applications, or an IT Pro who wants to learn about Docker orchestration and application troubleshooting, this track will have specific sessions for you to get up to speed with Docker.
The Docker Deep Dive track focuses on the technical details associated with the different components of the Docker platform: advanced orchestration, networking, security, storage, management and plug-ins. The Docker engineering leads will walk you through the best way to build, ship and run distributed applications with Docker as well as give you a hint at what’s on the roadmap.
More Community Theater
Located in the Ecosystem Expo, the Community Theater features cool Docker hacks and lightning talks by various community members on a range of topics. Because this “expo track” was very popular last year and in order to showcase more cool projects and use cases from the community, we’ve decided to add a second community theater! Check out the talks and abstracts from the 30 extra speakers featured in that track.
Adding a third day to the conference!
Repeating top sessions
With all these tracks and awesome sessions, we know that it can be difficult to choose which ones to attend &;  especially if they are scheduled at the same time. This year, based on your session ratings during the conference, the top 8 sessions will be delivered again on Thursday!
Mentor Summit
Also new this year, we will host a summit for current and aspiring Docker Mentors on Thursday, April 20th. Mentorship can be a fun and rewarding experience and you don&;t need to be an expert in order to mentor someone. Come learn the ins and outs of being an awesome mentor both in industry and in the Docker Community!
Docker Internals Summit
Finally, we’re excited to host a Docker Internals Summit. This is a collaborative event for advanced Docker Operators who are actively maintaining, contributing or generally involved in the design and development of the following Docker open source projects: Infrakit, SwarmKit, Hyperkit, Notary, containerd, runC, libnetwork and underlying technologies TUF, IPVS, Raft, etc.
The goals of the summit are twofold:

Get everyone up to speed with each project’s mission, scope, insights into their architecture, roadmap and integration with other systems.
Drive architecture, design decisions and code contributions through collaboration with project maintainers during the hands-on sessions.


What’s new at DockerCon: tracks, community lightning talks and internal summits! Click To Tweet

The post What’s new at DockerCon 2017 appeared first on Docker Blog.
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