What To Expect from Docker at AWS re:Invent 2016

It’s the age of IT transformation. Spurred on by developers, adoption of containers has empowered application teams to transform the way they build, ship and run applications, allowing for faster and more frequent delivery. Initially seen as a tool mainly for developers, Docker is now at the center of key enterprise initiatives, and has attracted the attention of IT operations teams. Enterprise IT ops teams use Docker to maintain control over their environment and boost security as they embrace cloud strategies like hybrid cloud and multi-cloud.
Docker at re:Invent 2016
This adoption of Docker within the cloud is why we are excited to be at AWS re:Invent 2016. If you’re going to be at the show, we hope you stop by booth . Docker employees will be showing live demos, and will be on hand to answer questions. We’ll of course be passing out free Docker swag as well.
This year we’ll be showing two types of demos at the booth:
1.     Docker Datacenter (DDC)  demo – In this demo attendees will learn about Docker Datacenter, our commercial solution that delivers an enterprise container management platform. The platform is supported by Docker and is built specifically to give developers and IT operations teams agility, portability and control for their applications. It is integrated with the latest version of Docker engine, Engine 1.12 delivering a set of features that make enterprise IT application team’s lives easier as they embrace cloud and hybrid cloud.
2.     Docker for AWS demo – This demo will teach attendees about Docker for AWS which is now available as a public beta! Docker for AWS is the easiest way for IT applications teams to setup and configure an install of Docker Engine 1.13, on their AWS resources. The tool allows for full use of all Docker APIs and enables IT ops teams to manage, deploy and scale dockerized applications across their EC2 infrastructure.
Docker Datacenter for AWS Customers
In addition to helping developers deliver applications more quickly by enabling them to self-service, there are several benefits for IT ops. Docker Datacenter allows sysadmins and Cloud Engineers to manage, deploy and scale containers across any infrastructure within their environment, including AWS EC2 instances. As part of the solution, customers have access to features in Docker CS Engine 1.12 (includes built-in orchestration, load balancing, service discovery, mutual TLS encryption for clusters etc.), allowing them to quickly create secure clusters and deploy containerized applications onto nodes within the clusters (this can be done based on resource availability). Teams can then easily scale the number of nodes and containers as needed. In addition, the portability of Docker allows IT ops to avoid lock-in and migrate application workloads to the infrastructure that makes the most business sense. But DDC doesn’t just deliver portability, it provides the necessary tools for IT ops to maintain control over their apps running in the cloud.
IT ops can rest assured that their applications are secure. DDC’s role-based access controls limit who has access to resources, and Docker Content Trust image signing ensures Docker images within the registry are current and untampered. Teams can even enforce policies that permit only applications with signed images to  run in production. This makes cloud technology like AWS a safer place for IT operations teams to run their mission-critical applications.
AWS re:Invent 2016 is less than a week away, and we can’t wait! Feel free to stop by booth 622 if you’ll be at the show. If you would like to see a demo, you can register ahead of time and get a chance to win some VIP Docker swag at the end of each demo. But don’t worry, if you can’t make it to any of the scheduled demo sessions, just stop by the booth and we’ll be more than happy to speak with you.
Additional resources

Read the Docker Datacenter datasheet
Start reinventing now, and sign up for a trial of Docker Datacenter
See what Docker For AWS is all about

Docker will be at AWS in Vegas next week! Here’s what you can expectClick To Tweet

The post What To Expect from Docker at AWS re:Invent 2016 appeared first on Docker Blog.
Quelle: https://blog.docker.com/feed/