There's Now A New Kind Of Snapchat Story

Snapchat just introduced a new feature, custom Snapchat Stories, which allows you to create stories with friends rather than by yourself.

Like with regular Stories, videos and photos in a custom story will display for 24 hours, and a custom Story will stay active until no one has contributed to it for 24 hours.

It's like a collaborative, ephemeral vacation slideshow, wedding album, or baby book.

To create a custom story, you click “Create Story” in the Stories screen on Snapchat, name the Story, designate who can add to it, and then add images or videos.

The designated contributors will then be able to add to it. Custom stories will appear the My Story section.

You can be a contributor to an unlimited number of custom stories at a time, but you can only have three that you've created running at any one time.

You can make it location-specific, so any friend within a certain radius — “about a block in circumference,” according to Snap — can add to the story.

You can also set the geofence to allow friends of your Snapchat friends to contribute.

By default, custom stories are only visible to the contributors, but you can select which other friends can see them. If you select the geofence option and make your followers or friends of friends contributors, they can see it as well.

Quelle: <a href="There's Now A New Kind Of Snapchat Story“>BuzzFeed