The ultimate guide to Kubernetes

The post The ultimate guide to Kubernetes appeared first on Mirantis | Pure Play Open Cloud.
One thing we know about Kubernetes is that it’s got a reputation for being difficult to use.  Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be that way. Here at Mirantis we’re committed to making things easy for you to get your work done, so we’ve decided to put together this guide to Kubernetes.
It will ultimately be organized in two ways: task based, where you can find information on tasks such as deploying Kubernetes, creating an application, or communicating between containers, and object-based, where you can find out about specific Kubernetes objects, such as Deployments, Pods, or Services.
You’ll notice that some sections don’t have content yet; we plan on filling them out as time goes on, so if you have suggestions for topics you’d like us to cover, or links to resources you find particularly valuable, please let us know.
Introduction to Kubernetes
Don’t Be Scared of Kubernetes
Kubernetes has the broadest capabilities of any container orchestrator available today, which adds up to a lot of power and complexity. That can be overwhelming for a lot of people jumping in for the first time – enough to scare people off from getting started. Here are five things you might be afraid of, and 5 ways to get started.
Introduction to Kubernetes
Kubernetes provides a way for operators to provide self service access for developers who need to instantiate and orchestrate containers. Here’s an introduction to get you started.
Deploying Kubernetes
Building Your First Certified Kubernetes Cluster On-Premises
Where following entries have shown how to create a basic dev/test cluster, this article explains how to create a production cluster using Docker Enterprise.
How to install Kubernetes with Kubeadm: A quick and dirty guide
Sometimes you just need a Kubernetes cluster, and you don’t want to mess around. This article is a quick and dirty guide to creating a single-node Kubernetes cluster using Kubeadm, a tool the K8s community created to simplify the deployment process.
Multi-node Kubernetes with KDC: A quick and dirty guide
Kubeadm-dind-cluster, or KDC, is a configurable script that enables you to easily create a multi-node cluster on a single machine by deploying Kubernetes nodes as Docker containers (hence the Docker-in-Docker (dind) part of the name) rather than VMs or separate bare metal machines. 
Create and manage an OpenStack-based KaaS child cluster
Once you’ve deployed your KaaS management cluster, you can begin creating actual Kubernetes child clusters. These clusters will use the same cloud provider type as the management cluster, so if you’ve deployed your management nodes on OpenStack, your child cluster will also run on OpenStack.
How to deploy Airship in a Bottle: A quick and dirty guide
Airship is designed to deploy OpenStack, but it deploys it on Kubernetes, so the first thing it does is deploy a Kubernetes cluster, so it’s another option for getting a cluster up and running.
Configuring Kubernetes and components
Virtlet: run VMs as Kubernetes pods
Virtlet enables you to run VMs as first class citizens within Kubernetes; this article explains how and why to make that work.
Everything you ever wanted to know about using etcd with Kubernetes v1.6 (but were afraid to ask)
The etcd key-value store is the only stateful component of the Kubernetes control plane. This makes matters for an administrator simpler, but when etcd went from v2 to v3, it was a headache for operators.
Coming soon:

Infrastructure and operations

Got suggestions for our upcoming sections? Let us know in the comments!
The post The ultimate guide to Kubernetes appeared first on Mirantis | Pure Play Open Cloud.
Quelle: Mirantis