How about family spring break in Austin?

Are you looking for Spring Break plans with the family? Look no further than 2017!  Located in sunny Austin, Texas April 17-20, DockerCon provides learning and entertainment for all members of the family.

As part of our efforts to make DockerCon’s doors open to all, we are excited to announce that we will be partnering again this year with Big Time Kid to provide childcare at DockerCon! Gone are the days of “Mom / Dad has to stay home with the kids…” – you can now bring the whole family to DockerCon!
Childcare will be offered:

Monday, April 17  1:00pm – 7:30pm
Tuesday, April 18  8:00am – 6:30pm
Wednesday, April 19 8:00am – 5:30pm
Thursday, April 20 8:00am – 12:00pm

Following in the success of last year, we  have chosen Big Time Kid Care as our childcare provider. All caregivers and staff are certified, fully insured and experienced in child education and care with police background checks. Big Time Kid Care will be well equipped and excited to take good care of your little ones at a kid-friendly play room close to the DockerCon activities at Austin Convention Center. Games, activities, breakfast and lunch will be provided.
Interested in exploring the diverse culture of Austin? Spousetivities offers great events for partners and family members. Activities range from checking out the legendary Magnolia Market to exploring the famous Salt Lick BBQ. Spousetivities is a great opportunity to meet new folks and learn about the history of Austin. All activities are suitable for the full family, so kids are welcome as well. Check out all the “Spousetivities”planned for DockerCon week!
This year, turn DockerCon into a family affair! We hope to see you all in Austin.

 DockerCon: Spring Break activities for everyone! Click To Tweet

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What’s new at DockerCon 2017

If you’ve attended multiple DockerCons, you should know that the team is always looking for new and exciting programs to improve on the previous editions. Last year, we introduced a ton of new DockerCon programs including a new Black Belt Track, a DockerCon scholarships, Workshops, etc. This year we’re excited to introduce more DockerCon goodness!
Using Docker and Docker Deep Dive Tracks
In the past editions, we received great attendee feedback requesting to split the Docker, Docker, Docker track into two separate tracks. We’ve heard you and as a result are happy to introduce the Using Docker and Docker Deep Dive tracks.
The Using Docker track is for everyone who’s getting started with Docker or wants to better implement Docker in their workflow. Whether you’re a .NET, Java or Node.js  developer looking to modernizing your applications, or an IT Pro who wants to learn about Docker orchestration and application troubleshooting, this track will have specific sessions for you to get up to speed with Docker.
The Docker Deep Dive track focuses on the technical details associated with the different components of the Docker platform: advanced orchestration, networking, security, storage, management and plug-ins. The Docker engineering leads will walk you through the best way to build, ship and run distributed applications with Docker as well as give you a hint at what’s on the roadmap.
More Community Theater
Located in the Ecosystem Expo, the Community Theater features cool Docker hacks and lightning talks by various community members on a range of topics. Because this “expo track” was very popular last year and in order to showcase more cool projects and use cases from the community, we’ve decided to add a second community theater! Check out the talks and abstracts from the 30 extra speakers featured in that track.
Adding a third day to the conference!
Repeating top sessions
With all these tracks and awesome sessions, we know that it can be difficult to choose which ones to attend &;  especially if they are scheduled at the same time. This year, based on your session ratings during the conference, the top 8 sessions will be delivered again on Thursday!
Mentor Summit
Also new this year, we will host a summit for current and aspiring Docker Mentors on Thursday, April 20th. Mentorship can be a fun and rewarding experience and you don&;t need to be an expert in order to mentor someone. Come learn the ins and outs of being an awesome mentor both in industry and in the Docker Community!
Docker Internals Summit
Finally, we’re excited to host a Docker Internals Summit. This is a collaborative event for advanced Docker Operators who are actively maintaining, contributing or generally involved in the design and development of the following Docker open source projects: Infrakit, SwarmKit, Hyperkit, Notary, containerd, runC, libnetwork and underlying technologies TUF, IPVS, Raft, etc.
The goals of the summit are twofold:

Get everyone up to speed with each project’s mission, scope, insights into their architecture, roadmap and integration with other systems.
Drive architecture, design decisions and code contributions through collaboration with project maintainers during the hands-on sessions.


What’s new at DockerCon: tracks, community lightning talks and internal summits! Click To Tweet

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5 reasons to attend DockerCon 2017

2017 is for the hackers, the makers and those who want to build tools of mass innovation.
In April, 5,000 of the best and brightest will come together to share and learn from different experiences, diverse backgrounds, and common interests. We know that part of what makes DockerCon so special is what happens in the hallways, not just the main stage. Those spontaneous connections between attendees, and the endless networking and learning opportunities, are where the most meaningful interactions occur.

If you haven’t been to a DockerCon yet, you may not know what you are missing. To try to explain why DockerCon 2017 is a must attend conference, we took the liberty of putting together the Top 5 reasons to join us April 17-20 in Austin, Texas.

The.Best.Content. From beginner to deep dive, DockerCon brings together the brightest minds to talk about their passion. Those passions range from tracing containers, building containers from scratch, monitoring and storage, to creating effective images. The list goes on.
Experts Everywhere. Want to meet the maintainers and tech leads of the Docker project? DockerCon! The community members that put together the coolest IoT hack to make walking in between sessions fun? DockerCon! What about chatting directly with the developers and IT professionals at Fortune 500 enterprises that are transforming their organizations by using Docker? DockerCon!
A Hallway Track like you’ve never experienced. DockerCon took conference networking to a new level last year with Bump Up. We can’t wait to share what we have planned this year that will make connecting, learning, and sharing with other like-minded attendees one of the most valuable takeaways of the event.  
DockerCon For All. DockerCon will always be an open and inclusive event for all. We are excited to announce the launch of this year’s DockerCon Diversity Scholarship. The scholarship’s purpose is to provide financial support and guidance to members of the Docker Community who are traditionally underrepresented through on-site mentorship and a scholarship to attend DockerCon.
Community & Docker Swag. As a part of Docker’s community, you already know that it rocks, thanks to you! Now just imagine the energy when 5,000 of us are in one room doing what we love! Now imagine we all just got the most amazing Docker swag to top it off! We are talking backpacks, t-shirts, umbrellas, scarves, LEGO whales &; this year will be no exception.

We hope you’ve read to this point and are so inspired to be a part of something innovative and unique that you’ll join us in Austin for DockerCon 2017. And in case you need some extra help convincing a manager to let you go, we’ve put together a few more resources and a request letter for you to use.

5 reasons to attend DockerCon 2017 in Austin &8211; April 17-20Click To Tweet

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Announcing the DockerCon speakers and sessions

Today we’re excited to share the launch the 2017 agenda. With 100+ DockerCon speakers, 60+ breakout sessions, 11 workshops, and hands on labs, we’re confident that you’ll find the right content for your role (Developer, IT Ops, Enterprise) or your level of Docker expertise (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced).

View the announced schedule and speakers lineup  

Announced sessions include:
Use Case

0 to 60 with Docker in 5 Months: How a Traditional Fortune 40 Company Turns on a Dime by Tim Tyler (MetLife)
Activision&;s Skypilot: Delivering Amazing Game Experiences through Containerized Pipelines by Tom Shaw (Activision)
Cool Genes: The Search for a Cure Using Genomics, Big Data, and Docker by James Lowey (TGEN)
The Tale of Two Deployments: Greenfield and Monolith Docker at Cornell by Shawn Bower and Brett Haranin (Cornell University)
Taking Docker From Local to Production at Intuit by JanJaap Lahpor (Intuit)

The Use Case track at @dockercon looks great w/ @tomwillfixit @JanJaapLahpor @drizzt51 dockercon Click To Tweet

Using Docker

Docker for Devs by John Zaccone (Ippon Technologies)
Docker for Ops by Scott Couton (Puppet)
Docker for Java Developers by Arun Gupta (Couchbase) and Fabiane Nardon (TailTarget)
Docker for .NET Developers by Michele Bustamonte (Solliance)
Creating Effective Images by Abby Fuller (AWS)
Troubleshooting Tips from a Docker Support Engineer by Jeff Anderson (Docker)
Journey to Docker Production: Evolving Your Infrastructure and Processes by Bret Fisher (Independent DevOps Consultant)
Escape From Your VMs with Image2Docker by Elton Stoneman (Docker) and Jeff Nickoloff (All in Geek Consulting)

Excited about the Using @Docker track @dockercon cc @JohnZaccone @scottcoulton @arungupta&;Click To Tweet

Docker Deep Dive &; Presented by Docker Engineering

What&8217;s New in Docker by Victor Vieux
Under the Hood with Docker Swarm Mode by Drew Erny and Nishant Totla
Modern Storage Platform for Container Environments by Julien Quintard
Secure Substrate: Least Privilege Container Deployment by Diogo Monica and Riyaz Faizullabhoy
Docker Networking: From Application-Plane to Data-Plane by Madhu Venugopal
Plug-ins: Building, Shipping, Storing, and Running by Anusha Ragunathan and Nandhini Santhanam
Container Publishing through Docker Store by Chinmayee Nirmal and Alfred Landrum
Automation and Collaboration Across Multiple Swarms Using Docker Cloud by Fernando Mayo and Marcus Martins
Making Docker Datacenter (DDC) Work for You by Vivek Saraswat

Everything you need to know in the @Docker Deep Dive track at @dockercon w/ @vieux @diogomonica&8230;Click To Tweet

Black Belt

Monitoring, the Prometheus Way by Julius Volz (Prometheus)
Everything You Thought You Already Knew About Orchestration by Laura Frank (Codeship)
Cilium &8211; Network and Application Security with BPF and XDP (Noiro Networks)
What Have Namespaces Done For You Lately? By Liz Rice (Microscaling Systems)
Securing the Software Supply Chain with TUF and Docker by Justin Cappos (NYU)
Container Performance Analysis by Brendan Gregg (Netflix)
Securing Containers, One Patch at a Time by Michael Crosby (Docker)

Excited about the Black Belt track track at @dockercon w/ @lizrice @juliusvolz @rhein_wein @tgraf__&8230;Click To Tweet

Workshops &8211; Presented by Docker Engineering and Docker Captains

Docker Security
Hands-on Docker for Raspberry Pi
Modernizing Monolithic ASP.NET Applications with Docker
Introduction to Enterprise Docker Operations
Docker Store for Publishers

[Tweet &;Check out the new dockercon workshops w/@alexellisuk @EltonStoneman @lilybguo @kristiehow &8220;
Convince your manager
Do you really want to go to DockerCon, but are having a hard time convincing your manager to send you? Have you already explained that sessions, training and hands-on exercises are definitely worth the financial investment and time away from your desk?
Well, fear not! We’ve put together a few more resources and reasons to help convince your manager that DockerCon 2017 on April 17-20, is an invaluable experience you need to attend.

Announcing @dockercon 2017 speakers & sessions dockercon Click To Tweet

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DockerCon 2017 first speakers announced

To the rest of the world, 2017 may seem a ways away, but here at we are heads down reading your Call for Papers submissions and curating content to make this the biggest and best DockerCon to date. With that, we are thrilled to share with you the DockerCon 2017 Website with helpful information including ten of the first confirmed speakers and sessions.
If you want to join this amazing lineup and haven’t submitted your cool hack, use case or deep dive session, don’t hesitate! The Call for Papers closes this Saturday, January 14th.
Submit a talk
First DockerCon speakers
Laura Frank
Sr. Software Engineer, Codeship
Everything You Thought You Already Knew About Orchestration

Julius Volz
Co-founder, Prometheus
Monitoring, the Prometheus Way

Liz Rice
Co-founder & CEO, Microscaling Systems
What have namespaces done for you lately?


Thomas Graf
Principal Engineer at Noiro, Cisco
Cilium – BPF & XDP for containers

Brendan Gregg 
Sr. Performance Architect, Netflix
Container Tracing Deep Dive

Thomas Shaw
Build Engineer, Activision
Activision&;s Skypilot: Delivering amazing game experiences through containerized pipelines

Fabiane Nardon
Chief Scientist at TailTarget
Docker for Java Developers

Arun Gupta
Vice President of Developer Advocacy, Couchbase
Docker for Java Developers

Justin Cappos
Assistant Professor in the Computer Science and Engineering department at New York University
Securing the Software Supply Chain

John Zaccone
Software Engineer
A Developer’s Guide to Getting Started with Docker

Convince your boss to send you to DockerCon
Do you really want to go to DockerCon, but are having a hard time convincing your boss on pulling the trigger to send you? Have you already explained that sessions, training and hands-on exercises are definitely worth the financial investment and time away from your desk?
We want you to join the community and us at DockerCon 2017, so we’ve put together the following packet of event information, including a helpful letter you can use to send to your boss to justify your trip. We are confident there’s something at DockerCon for everyone, so feel free to share within your company and networks.

Download Now
More information about DockerCon 2017:

Register for the conference
Submit a talk
Choose what workshop to attend
Book your Hotel room
Become a sponsor

DockerCon 2017 first speakers announced &; still time to submit your docker talksClick To Tweet

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DockerCon workshops: Which one will you be attending?

Following in last year’s major success, we are excited to be bringing back and expand the paid workshops at 2017. The pre-conference workshops will focus on a range of subjects from Docker 101 to deep dives in networking, Docker for JAVA and  advanced orchestration. Each workshop is designed to give you hands-on instruction and insight on key Docker topics, taught by Docker Engineers and Docker Captains. The workshops are a great opportunity to get better acquainted and excited about Docker technology to start off DockerCon week.

Take advantage of the lowest DockerCon pricing and get your Early Bird Ticket + Workshop now! Early Bird Tickets are limited and will sell out in the next two weeks!
Here are the basics of the DockerCon workshops:
Date: Monday, April 17, 2017
Time: 2:00pm &; 5:00pm
Where: Austin Convention Center &8211; 500 E. Cesar Chavez Street, Austin, TX
Cost: $150
Class size: Classes will remain small and are limited to 50 attendees per class.
Registration: The workshops are only open to DockerCon attendees. You can register for the workshops as an add-on package through the registration site here.

Below are overviews of each workshop. To learn more about each topic head over to the DockerCon 2017 registration site.
Learn Docker
If you are just getting started learning about Docker and want to get up to speed, this is the workshop for you. Come learn Docker basics including running containers, building images and basics on networking, orchestration, security and  volumes.
Orchestration Workshop: Beginner
You&;ve installed Docker, you know how to run containers, you&8217;ve written Dockerfiles to build container images for your applications (or parts of your applications), and perhaps you&8217;re even using Compose to describe your application stack as an assemblage of multiple containers.
But how do you go to production? What modifications are necessary in your code to allow it to run on a cluster? (Spoiler alert: very little, if any.) How does one set up such a cluster, anyway? Then how can we use it to deploy and scale applications with high availability requirements?
In this workshop, we will answer those questions using tools from the Docker ecosystem, with a strong focus on the native orchestration capabilities available since Docker Engine 1.12, aka &;Swarm Mode.&;
Orchestration Workshop: Advanced
Already using Docker and recently started using Swarm Mode in 1.12? Let’s start where previous Orchestration workshops may have left off, and dive into monitoring, logging, troubleshooting, and security of docker engine and docker services (Swarm Mode) for production workloads. Pulled from real world deployments, we&8217;ll cover centralized logging with ELK, SaaS, and others, monitoring/alerting with CAdvisor and Prometheus, backups of persistent storage, optional security features (namespaces, seccomp and apparmor profiles, notary), and a few cli tools for troubleshooting. Come away ready to take your Swarm to the next level!
Stay tuned as more workshop topics will be announced in the coming weeks! The workshops will sell out, so act fast and add the pre-conference workshops to your DockerCon 2017 registration!
Docker Networking
In this 3-hour, instructor-led training, you will get an in-depth look into Docker Networking. We will cover all the networking features natively available in Docker and take you through hands-on exercises designed to help you learn the skills you need to deploy and maintain Docker containers in your existing network environment.
Docker Store for Publishers
This workshop is designed to help potential Docker Store Publishers to understand the process, the best practices and the workflow of creating and publishing great content. You will get to interact with the members of the Docker Store’s engineering team. Whether you are an established ISV, a startup trying to distribute your software creation using Docker Containers or an independent developer, just trying to reach as many users as possible, you will benefit from this workshop by learning how to create and distribute trusted and Enterprise-ready content for the Docker Store.
Docker for Java Developers
Docker provides PODA (Package Once Deploy Anywhere) and complements WORA (Write Once Run Anywhere) provided by Java. It also helps you reduce the impedance mismatch between dev, test, and production environment and simplifies Java application deployment.
This workshop will explain how to:

Running first Java application with Docker
Package your Java application with Docker
Sharing your Java application using Docker Hub
Deploy your Java application using Maven
Deploy your application using Docker for AWS
Scaling Java services with Docker Engine swarm mode
Package your multi-container application and use service discovery
Monitor your Docker + Java applications
Build a deployment pipeline using common tools

Hands-On Docker for Raspberry Pi
Take part in our first-of-a-kind hands-on Raspberry Pi and Docker workshop where you will be given all the hardware you need to start creating and deploying containers with Docker including an 8-LED RGB add-on from Pimoroni. You will learn the subtleties of working with an ARM processor and how to control physical hardware through the GPIO interface. Programming experience is not required but a basic understanding of Python is helpful.
Microservices Lifecycle Explained Through Docker and Continuous Deployment
The workshop will go through the whole microservices development lifecycle. We’ll start from the very beginning and define and design architecture. From there on we’ll do some coding and testing all the way until the final deployment to production. Once our new services are up and running we’ll see how to maintain them, scale them, and recover them in case of failures. The goal will be to design a fully automated continuous deployment (CDP) pipeline with Docker containers.
During the workshop we’ll explore tools like Docker Engine with built in orchestration via swarm mode,, Docker Compose, Jenkins, HAProxy, and a few others.
Modernizing Monolothic ASP.NET Applications with Docker
Learn how to use Docker to run traditional ASP.NET applications In Windows containers without an application re-write. We’ll use Docker tools to containerize a monolithic ASP.NET app, then see how the platform helps us iterate quickly &8211; pulling high-value features out of the app and running them in separate containers. This workshop gives you a roadmap for modernizing your own ASP.NET workloads.

What dockercon workshop will you be attending? Limited number of spots => save yours now!Click To Tweet

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DockerCon 2017: Call For Papers FAQ

It’s a new year, and we are looking for new stories of how you are using technology to do big things. Submit your cool hack, use case or deep dive sessions before the 2017 CFP closes on January 14th.

To help with your submissions, we’ve answered the most frequent questions below and put together a list of tips to help get your proposal selected.
Q. How do I submit a proposal?
A. Submit your proposal here.
Q. What kind of talks are you looking for?
A. This year, we are looking for cool hacks, user stories and deep dive submissions:

Cool Hacks: Show us your cool hack and wow us with the interesting ways you can push the boundaries of the Docker stack. You do not have to have your hack ready by the submission deadline, just clearly explain your hack, what makes it cool and the technologies you will use.

Using Docker: Tell us first-hand about your Docker usage, challenges and what you learned along the way and inspire us on how to use Docker to accomplish real tasks.

Deep Dives: Propose code and demo heavy deep-dive sessions on what you have been able to transform with your use of the Docker stack. Entice your audience by going deeply technical and teach them how to do something they haven’t done.

Above all, DockerCon is a user conference and product and vendor pitches are not appropriate.
Q. What will I need to include in my submission?
A. Speaking proposals will ask for:

Title, the more catchy and descriptive, the better. But don&;t be too cute.
Abstract describing the presentation. This is what gets shown in the agenda and how the audience decides if they want to attend your session.
Key Takeaways that communicate your session’s main idea and conclusion. This is your gift to the audience, what will they learn from your session and be able to apply when they get back to work the following week.
Speaker(s): expertise and summary biography
Suggested tags
Past Speaking examples
Recommendations of appropriate audience.

Q. How can I increase the odds of my proposal being selected?
A. Check out the following resources:

Read our tips to help get your proposal selected
See the list of sessions chosen for the 2016 DockerCon and DockerCon EU 2015 programs and read their descriptions
Watch videos from previous DockerCons
See speaker slides from previous DockerCons.

Q. How are submissions selected?
A. After a proposal is submitted, it will be reviewed initially for content and format. Once past the initial review, a committee will read the proposals and vote on best submissions. There are a limited number of speaking slots and we work to achieve a balance of presentations that will interest the Docker community.
Q. How will Speakers be compensated?
A. One speaker for every session will be given a full conference pass. Any additional speakers will be given a pass at the Early Bird rate.
Q. Will there be a Speaker room at the conference?
A. Yes, we will provide a Speaker Ready room for speakers to prepare for presentations, relax and mingle. Speakers should check in with the DockerCon 2017 speaker manager on the day of your talk in the Speaker Room and make sure you are all set for your talk.
Q. What are the important dates to remember?

Call for Proposals Closes &; January 14, 2017 at 11:59 PST
All proposers notified &8211; Late February
Program announced &8211; Late February
Submit your proposal &8211; Today!

DockerCon 2017 CFP is open until Jan 14! Submit your Docker story todayClick To Tweet

The post DockerCon 2017: Call For Papers FAQ appeared first on Docker Blog.

DockerCon 2017: Registration And CFP Now Open!

2017 tickets are now available! Take advantage of our lowest pricing today &; tickets are limited and Early Bird will sell out fast! We have extended DockerCon to a three-day conference with repeat sessions, hands-on labs and summits taking place on Thursday.
Register for DockerCon
The DockerCon 2017 Call for Proposals is open! Before you submit your cool hack or session proposals, take a look at our tips for getting selected below. We have narrowed the scope of sessions we’re looking for this year down to Cool Hacks and Use Cases. The deadline for submissions is January 14, 2017 at 11:59 PST.
Submit a talk

Proposal Dos:

Submitting a Cool Hack:
Be novel
Show us your cool hacks and wow us with the interesting ways you can push the boundaries of the Docker stack. Check out past audience favorites like Serverless Docker, In-the-air update of a drone with Docker and and building a UI for container management with Minecraft for inspiration.
Be clear
You do not have to have your hack ready by the submission deadline, rather, plan to clearly explain your hack, what makes it cool and the technologies you will use.
All Sessions:
To illustrate the tips below, check out the sample proposals with comments on why they stand out.
Clarify your message
The best talks leave the audience transformed: They come into the session thinking or doing things one way, and they leave armed to think about or solve a problem differently. This means that your session must have solid take-aways that the audience can apply to their use case. We ask for your three key take-aways in the CFP. Make sure to be specific about your audience transformation, i.e. instead of listing “the talk covers orchestration,” instead write, “the talk will go through a step-by-step process for setting up swarm mode, providing the audience with an live example of how easy it is to use.” This is also a great place to highlight what you will leave them with, i.e. “Attendees will have full unrestricted access to all the code I’m going to write and open-source for the talk.”
Keep in line with the theme of the conference
Conferences are organized around a narrative and DockerCon is a user conference. That means we&;re looking for proposals that will inform and delight attendees on the following topics:
Using Docker
Has Docker technology made you better at what you do? Is Docker an integral part of your company’s tech stack? Do you use Docker to do big things? Infuse your proposal with concrete, first-hand examples about your Docker usage, challenges and what you learned along the way, and inspire us on how to use Docker to accomplish real tasks.
Deep Dives
Propose code and demo heavy deep-dive sessions on what you have been able to transform with your use of the Docker stack. Entice your audience by going deeply technical and teach them how to do something they haven’t done.
Get specific
While you should submit a topic that is broad enough to cover a range of interests, sessions are a maximum of 40 minutes, so don’t try to boil the ocean. Stay focused on content that support your take-aways so you can deliver a clear and compelling story.
Inspire us
Expand the conversation beyond technical details and inspire attendees to explore new uses. Past examples include Dockerizing CS50: From Cluster to Cloud to Appliance to Container, Shipping Manifests, Bill of Lading and Docker &8211; Metadata for Containers and Stop Being Lazy and Test Your Software.
Be open
Has your company built tools used in production and/or testing? Remember the buzz around Netflix&8217;s Chaos Monkey and the excitement around it when it was released? If you have such a tool, revealing the recipe for your secret sauce is a great way to get your talk on the radar of DockerCon 2017 attendees.
Show that you are engaging
Having a great topic and talk is important, but equally important is execution and delivery. In the CFP, you have the opportunity to provide as much information as you can about presentations you have given. Videos, reviews, and slide decks will add to your credibility as an entertaining speaker.
Proposal Don&8217;ts
These items are surefire ways of not getting past the initial review.
Sales pitches
No, just don&8217;t. It&8217;s acceptable to mention your company&8217;s product during a presentation but it should never be the focus of your talk.
Bulk submissions
If your proposal reads as generic talk that has been submitted to a number of conferences, it will not pass the initial review. Granted that a talk can be a polished version of earlier talk, but the proposal should be tailored for DockerCon 2017.
If the proposal contains jargon, it&8217;s very likely that the presentation will also contain jargon. Although DockerCon 2017 is a technology conference, we value the ability to explain and make your points with clear and easy to follow language.
So, what happens next?
After a proposal is submitted, it will be reviewed initially for content and format. Once past the initial review, a committee of reviewers from Docker and the industry will read the proposals and select the best ones. There are a limited number of speaking slots and we work to achieve a balance of presentations that will interest the Docker community.
The deadline for proposal submission is January 14, 2017 at 11:59 PST.
We&8217;re looking forward to reading your proposals!
Submit a talk

DockerCon CFP is now open! Let us know how you’re using To Tweet

The post DockerCon 2017: Registration And CFP Now Open! appeared first on Docker Blog.