SnelStart uses Azure SQL Database Elastic Pools to rapidly expand its business services

SnelStart makes popular financial and business management software for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) in the Netherlands. SnelStart turned to Azure and SQL Database to provide flexibility for their customers who wanted to move between on-premises deployments and the cloud

As part of the process of providing this flexibility for their customers, SnelStart also extended its services by becoming a cloud-based SaaS provider. Azure SQL Database platform helped SnelStart get there without incurring the major IT overhead that an infrastructure-as-a-services (IaaS) solution would have required. SnelStart&;s new SaaS service also enables them to fix bugs and provide new features rapidly, without customers needing to download and upgrade software

To learn more about SnelStart&039;s journey and how you can take advantage of Elastic Database Pools to build SaaS, take a look at this newly published case study.


Quelle: Azure