Recent blog posts from the community

Here’s some of the great blogs from the RDO community which you may have missed in recent weeks:

Using NFS for OpenStack (glance,nova) with selinux by Fabian Arrotin

As announced already, I was (between other things) playing with Openstack/RDO and had deployed some small openstack setup in the CentOS Infra. Then I had to look at our existing DevCloud setup. This setup was based on Opennebula running on CentOS 6, and also using Gluster as backend for the VM store. That’s when I found out that Gluster isn’t a valid option anymore : Gluster is was deprecated and was now even removed from Cinder. Sad as one advantage of gluster is that you could (you had to ! ) user libgfapi so that qemu-kvm process could talk directly to gluster through ligbfapi and not accessing VM images over locally mounted gluster volumes (please, don’t even try to do that, through fuse).


Nested quota models by Tim Bell

At the Boston Forum, there were many interesting discussions on models which could be used for nested quota management ( of the background for the use has been explained previously in the blog (, but the subsequent discussions have also led to further review.


Understanding ceph-ansible in TripleO by Giulio Fidente

One of the goals for the TripleO Pike release was to introduce ceph-ansible as an alternative to puppet-ceph for the deployment of Ceph.


Tuning for Zero Packet Loss in Red Hat OpenStack Platform – Part 3 by m4r1k

In Part 1 of this series Federico Iezzi, EMEA Cloud Architect with Red Hat covered the architecture and planning requirements to begin the journey into achieving zero packet loss in Red Hat OpenStack Platform 10 for NFV deployments. In Part 2 he went into the details around the specific tuning and parameters required. Now, in Part 3, Federico concludes the series with an example of how all this planning and tuning comes together!

Quelle: RDO