python-tempestconf’s journey

For those who are not familiar with the python-tempestconf, it’s a tool for generating a tempest configuration file, which is required for running Tempest tests against a live OpenStack cluster. It queries a cloud and automatically discovers cloud settings, which weren’t provided by a user.
Internal project
In August 2016 config_tempest tool was decoupled from Red Hat Tempest fork and the python-tempestconf repository under the github redhat-openstack organization was created. The tool became an internal tool used for generating tempest.conf in downstream jobs which were running Tempest.
Why we like `python-tempestconf`
The reason why is quite easy. We at Red Hat were (and still are) running many different OpenStack jobs with different configurations which execute Tempest. And there python-tempestconf stepped in. We didn’t have to implement the logic for creating or modifying tempest.conf within the job configuration, we just used python-tempestconf which did that for us. It’s not only about the generating tempest.conf itself, because the tool also creates basic users, uploads an image and creates basic flavors which all of them are required for running Tempest tests.
Usage of python-tempestconf was also beneficial for engineers who liked the idea of not struggling with creating a tempest.conf file from scratch but rather using the tool which was able to generate it for them. The generated tempest.conf was sufficient for running simple Tempest tests.
Imagine you have a fresh OpenStack deployment and you want to run some Tempest tests, because you want to make sure that the deployment was successful. In order to do that, you can run the python-tempestconf which will do the basic configuration for you and will generate a tempest.conf, and execute Tempest. That’s it, isn’t it easy?
I have to admit, when I joined Red Hat and more specifically OpenStack team, I kind of struggled with all the information about OpenStack and Tempest, it was too much new information. Therefore I really liked when I could generate a tempest.conf which I could use for running just basic tests. If I had to generate the tempest.conf myself, my learning process would be a little bit slower. Therefore, I’m really grateful that we had the tool at that time.
Shipping in a package
At the beginning of 2017 we started to ship python-tempestconf rpm package. It’s available in RDO repositories from Ocata and higher. python-tempestconf package is also installed as a dependency of openstack-tempest package. So if a user installs openstack-tempest, also python-tempestconf will be installed. At this time, we also changed the entrypoint and the tool is executed via discover-tempest-config command. However, you could have already read all about it in this article.
Upstream project
By the end of 2017 python-tempestconf became an upstream project and got under OpenStack organization.
We have significantly improved the tool since then, not only its code but also its documentation, which contains all the required information for a user, see here. In my opinion every project which is designed for wider audience of users (python-tempestconf is an upstream project, so this condition is fulfilled), should have a proper documentation. Following python-tempestconf’s documentation should be any user able to execute it, set wanted arguments and set some special tempest options without any bigger problems.
I would say that there are 3 greatest improvements. One of them is the user documentation, which I’ve already mentioned. The second and third are improvements of the code itself and they are os-client-config integration and refactoring of the code in order to simplify adding new OpenStack services the tool can generate config for.
os-client-config is a library for collecting client configuration for using an OpenStack cloud in a consistent way. By importing the library a user can specify OpenStack credentials by 2 different ways:

Using OS_* environment variables, which is maybe the most common way. It requires sourcing credentials before running python-tempestconf. In case of packstack environment, it’s keystonerc_admin/demo file and in case of devstack there is openrc script.
Using –os-cloud parameter which takes one argument – name of the cloud which holds the required credentials. Those are stored in a cloud.yaml file.

The second code improvement was the simplification of adding new OpenStack services the tool can generate tempest.conf for. If you want to add a service, just create a bug in our storyboard, see python-tempestconf’s contributor guide. If you feel like it, you can also implement it. Adding a new service requires creating a new file, representing the service and implementing a few required methods.
To conclude
The tool has gone through major refactoring and got significantly improved since it was moved to its own repository in August 2016. If you’re a Tempest user, I’d recommend you try python-tempestconf if you haven’t already.
Quelle: RDO