Permission manager : RBAC management for Kubernetes

Permission manager : RBAC management for KubernetesPhoto by Kyle Glenn on UnsplashCame across a GitHub repository implemented by the awesome folks at Sighup.IO for managing user permissions for Kubernetes cluster easily via web UI.GitHub Repo : Permission Manager, you can create users, assign namespaces/permissions, and distribute Kubeconfig YAML files via a nice&easy web UI.The project works on the concept of templates that you can create and then use that template for different users.Template is directly proportional to clusterrole. In rder to create a new template you need to defile a clusterrole with prefix template-namespaces-resources__. The default template are present in the k8s/k8s-seeds directory.Example template:apiVersion: ClusterRolemetadata: name: template-namespaced-resources___developerrules: – apiGroups: – "*" resources: – "configmaps" – "endpoints" – "persistentvolumeclaims" – "pods" – "pods/log" – "pods/portforward" – "podtemplates" – "replicationcontrollers" – "resourcequotas" – "secrets" – "services" – "events" – "daemonsets" – "deployments" – "replicasets" – "ingresses" – "networkpolicies" – "poddisruptionbudgets" # – "rolebindings" # – "roles" verbs: – "*"Let us now deploy it on Katakoda kubernetes playground and see the permission checker in action.Step1: Open 2: git clone Change the deploy.yaml filemaster $ kubectl cluster-infoKubernetes master is running at the deployment file “k8s/deploy.yaml” with the CONTROL_PLANE_ADDRESS from the result of the above command.apiVersion: apps/v1kind: Deploymentmetadata: namespace: permission-manager name: permission-manager-deployment labels: app: permission-managerspec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: permission-manager template: metadata: labels: app: permission-manager spec: serviceAccountName: permission-manager-service-account containers: – name: permission-manager image: ports: – containerPort: 4000 env: – name: PORT value: "4000" – name: CLUSTER_NAME value: "my-cluster" – name: CONTROL_PLANE_ADDRESS value: "" – name: BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: auth-password-secret key: password—apiVersion: v1kind: Servicemetadata: namespace: permission-manager name: permission-manager-servicespec: selector: app: permission-manager ports: – protocol: TCP port: 4000 targetPort: 4000 type: NodePortStep4: Deploy the manifestscd permission-managermaster $ kubectl apply -f k8s/k8s-seeds/namespace.ymlnamespace/permission-manager createdmaster $ kubectl apply -f k8s/k8s-seedssecret/auth-password-secret creatednamespace/permission-manager createdserviceaccount/permission-manager-service-account createdmaster $ kubectl apply -f k8s/deploy.yamldeployment.apps/permission-manager-deployment createdservice/permission-manager-service createdStep5: Get the NodePort and open UI using Katakodamaster $ kubectl get svc -n permission-managerNAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGEpermission-manager-service NodePort <none> 4000:31996/TCP 9m40sn order to open port from Katakoda click on the + and select View HTTP port 8080 on Host 1 and change the port to 31996Enter the username and password : username: adminpassword: 1v2d1e2e67dS You can change the password in k8s/k8s-seeds/auth-secret.yml file.Now Let us create some users and assign one of the default template.User Test1 with permission as a developer in permission-manager namespaceLet us download the kubeconfig file and test the permissions:master $ kubectl –kubeconfig=/root/permission-manager/newkubeconfig get podsError from server (Forbidden): pods is forbidden: User "test1" cannot list resource "pods" in API group "" in the namespace "default"master $ kubectl –kubeconfig=/root/permission-manager/newkubeconfig get pods -n permission-managerNAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGEpermission-manager-deployment-544649f8f5-jzlks 1/1 Running 0 6m38smaster $ kubectl get clusterrole | grep templatetemplate-cluster-resources___admin 7m56stemplate-cluster-resources___read-only 7m56stemplate-namespaced-resources___developer 7m56stemplate-namespaced-resources___operation 7m56sSummary: With permission checker you can easily create multiple users and give permission for specific resources in specific namespace using custom-defined templates.About SaiyamSaiyam is a Software Engineer working on Kubernetes with a focus on creating and managing the project ecosystem. Saiyam has worked on many facets of Kubernetes, including scaling, multi-cloud, managed kubernetes services, K8s documentation and testing. He’s worked on implementing major managed services (GKE/AKS/OKE) in different organizations. When not coding or answering Slack messages, Saiyam contributes to the community by writing blogs and giving sessions on InfluxDB, Docker and Kubernetes at different meetups. Reach him on Twitter @saiyampathak where he gives tips on InfluxDB, Rancher, Kubernetes and open source.We’re hiring!We are looking for engineers who love to work in Open Source communities like Kubernetes, Rancher, Docker, etc.If you wish to work on such projects please do visit our job offerings page.Permission manager : RBAC management for Kubernetes was originally published in Kubernauts on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.