Partnering on open source: Google and Pivotal engineers talk Cloud Foundry on GCP

By Evan Brown, Senior Software Engineer

Today we’re sharing the first episode of our Pivotal Cloud Foundry on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) mini video series, featuring engineers from the Pivotal and Google Cloud Graphite teams who’ve been working hard to make this open-source platform run great on GCP. Google’s Cloud Graphite team works exclusively on open source projects in collaboration with project maintainers and customers. We’ll have more videos and blog posts this year, just like this one, highlighting that work.

In 2016 we began working with Pivotal, and announced back in October that customers can deploy and operate Pivotal Cloud Foundry on GCP. Thanks to this partnership, companies in industries like manufacturing, healthcare and retail can accelerate their digital transformation and run cloud-native applications on the same kind of infrastructure that powers Gmail, YouTube, Google Maps and more.

“The chemistry between the two engineering teams was remarkable as if we had been working together for years. The Cloud Foundry community is already benefiting from this work. It’s simple to deploy Cloud Foundry atop Google’s infrastructure, and developers can easily extend their apps with Google’s analytics and machine learning services. We look forward to working with Google in the future to advance our shared vision for multi-cloud choice and flexibility.” — Joshua McKenty, Head of Platform Ecosystem, Pivotal
Specifically, together with Pivotal, we have:

Brought BOSH to GCP, adding support for Google’s global networking and load balancer, quick VM boot times, live migration and preemptible VM pricing
Built a service broker to let Cloud Foundry developers easily use Google services such as Google BigQuery, Google Cloud SQL and Google Cloud Machine Learning in their apps
Developed the stackdriver-tools BOSH release to give operators and developers access to health and diagnostics information in Stackdriver Logging and Stackdriver Monitoring

In the first episode of the video series, Dan Wendorf of Pivotal and I talk about deploying BOSH and Cloud Foundry to GCP, using the tutorial you can follow along with on GitHub.

Join us on YouTube to watch other episodes that will cover topics like setting up and consuming Google services with our Service Broker, or how to monitor and debug Cloud Foundry applications with Stackdriver. Just follow Google Cloud on YouTube, or @GoogleCloud on Twitter to find out when new videos are published. And stay tuned for more blog posts and videos about the work we’re doing with Puppet, Chef, HashiCorp, Red Hat, SaltStack and others.
Quelle: Google Cloud Platform