OpenShift 4 Pro Tip: Custom Branding

You can customize the OpenShift Container Platform web console to set a custom logo and product name. This is especially helpful if you need to tailor the web console to meet specific corporate or government requirements.
Add a Custom Logo and Product Name
Create a file of the logo that you want to use. The logo can be a file in any common image format (e.g. GIF, JPG, PNG, or SVG) and is constrained to a max-height of 60px.
1: Import your logo file into a ConfigMap in the openshift-config namespace:
$ oc create configmap console-custom-logo –from-file~/path/to/console-custom-logo.png -n openshift-config

2: Edit the web console’s Operator configuration to include customLogoFile and customProductName:
$ oc apply -f

kind: Console
name: cluster
customProductName: MyProduct
name: console-custom-logo
key: console-custom-logo.png

Once the Operator configuration is updated, it will sync the custom logo ConfigMap into the console namespace, mount it to the console pod, and redeploy.
3: Check for success. If there are any issues, the console cluster operator will report Degraded, and the console Operator configuration will also report CustomLogoDegraded, but with reasons like KeyOrFilenameInvalid or NoImageProvided.
To check the clusteroperator, run:
$ oc get clusteroperator console -o yaml

To check the console Operator configuration, run:
$ oc get -o yaml

The post OpenShift 4 Pro Tip: Custom Branding appeared first on Red Hat OpenShift Blog.
Quelle: OpenShift