Learn Docker with our DockerCon 2017 Hands-On Labs

We’re excited to announce that 2017 will feature a comprehensive set of hands-on labs. We first introduced hands-on labs at DockerCon EU in 2015, and they were also part of DockerCon 2016 last year in Seattle. This year we’re offering a broader range of topics that cover the interests of both developers and operations personnel on both Windows and Linux (see below for a full list)
These hands-on labs are designed to be self-paced, and are run on the attendee’s laptop. But, don’t worry, all the infrastructure will be hosted again this year on Microsoft Azure. So, all you will need is a laptop capable of instantiating a remote session over SSH (for Linux) or RDP (for Windows).

We’ll have a nice space set up in between the ecosystem expo and breakout rooms for you to work on the labs. There will be tables and stools along with power and wireless Internet access as well as lab proctors to answer questions. But, because of the way the labs are set up, you could also stop by, sign up, and take your laptop to a quiet spot and work on your own.
As you can tell, we’re pretty stoked on the labs, and we think you will be to.
See you in Austin!
DockerCon 2017 Hands-on Labs




In this lab you can play around with the container orchestration features of Docker. You will deploy a Dockerized application to a single host and test the application. You will then configure Docker Swarm Mode and deploy the same application across multiple hosts. You will then see how to scale the application and move the workload across different hosts easily.

Docker Networking

In this lab you will learn about key Docker Networking concepts. You will get your hands dirty by going through examples of a few basic concepts, learn about Bridge and Overlay networking, and finally learning about the Swarm Routing Mesh.

Modernize .NET Apps &; for Devs.

A developer’s guide to app migration, showing how the Docker platform lets you update a monolithic application without doing a full rebuild. You’ll start with a sample app and see how to break components out into separate units, plumbing the units together with the Docker platform and the tried-and-trusted applications available on Docker Hub.

Modernize .NET Apps &8211; for Ops.

An admin guide to migrating .NET apps to Docker images, showing how the build, ship, run workflow makes application maintenance fast and risk-free. You’ll start by migrating a sample app to Docker, and then learn how to upgrade the application, patch the Windows version the app uses, and patch the Windows version on the host &8211; all with zero downtime.

Getting Started with Docker on Windows Server 2016

Get started with Docker on Windows, and learn why the world is moving to containers. You’ll start by exploring the Windows Docker images from Microsoft, then you’ll run some simple applications, and learn how to scale apps across multiple servers running Docker in swarm mode

Building a CI / CD Pipeline in Docker Cloud

In this lab you will construct a CI / CD pipeline using Docker Cloud. You&;ll connect your GitHub account to Docker Cloud, and set up triggers so that when a change is pushed to GitHub, a new version of your Docker container is built.

Discovering and Deploying Certified Content with Docker Store

In this lab you will learn how to locate certified containers and plugins on docker store. You&8217;ll then deploy both a certified Docker image, as well as a certified Docker plugin.

Deploying Applications with Docker EE (Docker DataCenter)

In this lab you will deploy an application that takes advantage of some of the latest features of Docker EE (Docker Datacenter). The tutorial will lead you through building a compose file that can deploy a full application on UCP in one click. Capabilities that you will use in this application deployment include:
&8211; Docker services
&8211; Application scaling and failure mitigation
&8211; Layer 7 load balancing
&8211; Overlay networking
&8211; Application secrets
&8211; Application health checks
&8211; RBAC-based control and visibility with teams

Vulnerability Detection and Remediation with Docker EE (Docker Datacenter)

Application vulnerabilities are a continuous threat and must be continuously managed. In this tutorial we will show you how DTR can detect known vulnerabilities through image security scanning. You will detect a vulnerability in a running app, patch the app, and then apply a rolling update to gradually deploy the update across your cluster without causing any application downtime.

Learn More about DockerCon:

What’s new at DockerCon?
5 reasons to attend DockerCon
Convince your manager to send you to DockerCon
DockerCon for Windows containers practitioners 

Check out all the Docker Hands-on labs at DockerCon To Tweet

The post Learn Docker with our DockerCon 2017 Hands-On Labs appeared first on Docker Blog.
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