Four topics that inspired Google Cloud Platform users in October

Posted by Alex Barrett, Editor, Google Cloud Platform Blog

Google Cloud Platform users are a generous bunch, sharing their insights about how best to use GCP through a regular stream of articles and blogs. We kept tabs on their output in the month of October, then sorted that unruly list down into four categories that are a good indicator of overall cloud adoption. Take a look; chances are that there’s a post in this list that answers your most pressing GCP question, or that will inspire you to take GCP in an entirely new direction.

Using BigQuery to analyze . . . everything
BigQuery has emerged as a great way to slice and dice data, and the blogosphere is rife with examples that will teach you how (and why).
Jumping into Big Data using Google BigQuery
25 Million Presidential Debate Tweets in Google BigQuery
Hands on with Google Cloud Platform, TensorFlow & BigQuery — early thoughts

A kornukopia of Kubernetes
Developers continue to spill a lot of ink on containers and Kubernetes, our open-source container orchestration platform.
MLS on Kubernetes Act : Automating Infrastructure
A Service Mesh for Kubernetes, Part I: Top-Line Service Metrics
Tutorial: Getting Started with Kubernetes on your Windows Laptop with Minikube
Kubernetes on Scaleway – Part 3
A Survival Guide for Containerizing your Infrastructure — Part 1: Why switch?
Using gcloud in a Docker container

Working with data (and databases) on GCP
So much data, so many different places to put it. From simple object-based archive, to high-performance distributed databases, the GCP community is using our storage and databases in all sorts of interesting ways.
Google Cloud Storage Vs AWS S3
Diving Into Google Datastore
Picking a cloud database for analytics: the SQL options
Camera image upload and display using Google Firebase Storage in your Ionic Framework app
Recommendation Systems with Spark on Google DataProc
Spinning up a Cassandra Cluster on Google Cloud (for free) with just a browser

Next-generation apps, the GCP way
More often than not, today’s developers organize into DevOps teams and build apps using microservices that communicate via APIs. Here are a few examples of how GCP plays in that world.
Microservices: From Design To Production with goa and Google Cloud Endpoints
Checking out the new Google Cloud Endpoints
Playing with ConcourseCI via a Google Cloud Platform free trial
How We Built Chop
Microservices: From Design To Production with goa and Google Cloud Endpoints
1 Piece of code : ExpressJS + Memcached Sessions
Adding Custom Domain to your Google Compute Engine
Tuning NGINX behind Google Cloud Platform HTTP(S) Load Balancer

That’s all folks. Tune in again next month for a recap of community-generated GCP content, and be sure to drop us a line with any blog posts and articles that you think our readers need to know about.
Quelle: Google Cloud Platform