First look at VMware vCloud provider in ManageIQ / CloudForms

With VMworld 2016 US event just around the corner, we thought it would be a good time to look at some of the new features introduced in the ManageIQ community related to our support for VMware.
ManageIQ is the open source project behind Red Hat CloudForms. The latest product features are implemented in the upstream community first, before eventually making it downstream into Red Hat CloudForms. This process is similar for all Red Hat products. For example, Fedora is the upstream project for Red Hat Enterprise Linux and follows the same upstream-first development model.
In this article, we look at the recent development of a vCloud provider in ManageIQ. VMware vCloud becomes the latest addition to the list of supported public cloud providers, joining Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform and OpenStack.

Those of you following ManageIQ might have noticed some recent pull requests on the topic under the providers/vmware/cloud label. This is the first iteration for the vCloud provider which supports authentication, inventory (including vApps), provisioning, power operations and eventing. The provider makes use of the vCloud API provided by vCloud Director (vCD). vCD is part of the VMware solutions for vCloud Air and vCloud Service Providers.
A demonstration of this new provider can be seen in ManageIQ Sprint 45. Here are some screenshots from the provider in action in ManageIQ.

New Cloud Provider Type: VMware vCloud

vCloud Cloud Provider Summary (listing Instances, Images and Orchestration Stacks)

Detailed list of Orchestration Stacks (vApps)

Detailed list of Images

Detailed list of Instances

Detailed view of an Instance, including Power Operations
This is a great start towards adding support for VMware vCloud in ManageIQ. We look forward to future contributions and hopefully for this provider to make it downstream into Red Hat CloudForms in a future release.
Come and meet Red Hat at the VMworld 2016 US event and learn about ManageIQ and Red Hat CloudForms which provides unified management for container, virtual, private, and public cloud infrastructures.
Quelle: CloudForms