Feature Friday: DockerCon speakers sound off on Kubernetes, Service Mesh and More

DockerCon brings industry leaders and experts of the container world to one event where they share their knowledge, experience and guidance. This year is no different. For the next few weeks, we’re going to highlight a few of our amazing speakers and the talks they will be leading.
In this first highlight, we have a few of our own Docker speakers that are covering storage and networking topics, including everything from container-level networking on up to full cross-infrastructure and cross-orchestrator networking.
Persisting State for Windows Workloads in Kubernetes
More on their session here.

Anusha Ragunathan
Docker Software Engineer

Deep Debroy
Docker Software Engineer

What is your breakout about?
We’ll be talking about persistent storage options for Windows workloads on Kubernetes. While a lot of options exist for Linux workloads we will look at dynamic provisioning scenarios for Windows workloads.
Why should people go to your session?
Persistence in Windows containers is very limited. Our talk aims to tackle this hard problem and provide practical solutions. The audience will learn about ways to achieve persistent storage in their Windows container workloads and they will also hear about future direction.
What is your favorite DockerCon moment?
Deep: The Dockercon party in Austin.
What are you looking forward to the most?
Anusha: I’m looking forward to the Docker women’s summit and attending Black Belt sessions.

Just What Is A “Service Mesh”, And If I Get One Will It Make Everything OK?
More on Elton’s session here.

Elton Stoneman 
Docker Developer Advocate

What is your breakout about? 
I’m talking about service meshes – Linkerd and Istio in particular. It’s a technical session so there are lots of demos, but it’s grounded in the practical question – do you really need a service mesh, and is it worth the cost? You’ll learn what a service mesh can do, and how it helps to cut a lot of infrastructure concerns from your code.
What are you most excited about at DockerCon?
I can’t tell you, it’s a secret… But I’m involved in one of our big announcements and it’s going to be a real “this changes everything” moment.
What is your all time favorite DockerCon moment?
In Barcelona, I presented one of the keynote demos with my Docker buddy Lee. We were on the big stage for about 7 minutes, and rehearsing for that took all weekend. Lots of work but great fun and we had a ton of positive feedback.

Microservices-enabled API Server – Routing Across Any Infrastructure
More on their session here.

Brett Inman
Docker Engineering Manager

Alex Hokanson
Docker Infrastructure Engineer

What is your breakout about?
Our session is about how we do service discovery, load balancing, and rate limiting for high-traffic public-facing services like Docker Hub. At Docker we have developed a solution that allows routing web traffic across different workloads and environments . It doesn’t matter if the application is natively running on Ubuntu, via “docker container run”, in Docker Swarm, or in Kubernetes–our solution will get traffic to your service efficiently and even handle containers coming and going!
Why should people go to your session?
Our routing layer is the single most important piece of our infrastructure at Docker and moving that layer from host-based, native applications to Kubernetes was no small feat. Your routing layer shouldn’t slow developers down–see how we give our internal customers even more choice and flexibility!
What’s your favorite DockerCon moment?
Brett I: My favorite moment was meeting a large group of devops people in a Hallway Track and realizing we were all solving the same problems individually, how inefficient that was, and how powerful community and open source can be.
What are you most excited about for DCSF 19?
Alex: Meeting people and learning about how they operationalize Docker.

Thank you all so much and see you at DockerCon!

#DockerCon sneak peek: A chat with networking and storage breakout speakers. Register for @DockerCon 2019 todayClick To Tweet

For more information:

Register for DockerCon 2019, April 29 – May 2 in San Francisco.
Sign up and attend these additional events, running conjunction with DockerCon:

Women@DockerCon Summit, Monday, April 29th
Open Source Summit, Thursday, May 2nd
Official Docker Training and Certification
Docker Workshops

The post Feature Friday: DockerCon speakers sound off on Kubernetes, Service Mesh and More appeared first on Docker Blog.
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