Enhance protection of VMs with Azure Advisor backup recommendations

We have seen a few customer cases where customers accidentally deleted VMs or data inside a VM running in Azure. While Azure provides protection against infrastructure related failures, it can’t guard against user initiated actions such as accidental deletion or a wrong patch on the guest OS triggered by customer. Azure Backup provides a capability to guard against accidental deletions and guest OS level corruption scenarios using its cloud-first approach to backup and seamlessly enables to restore a full VM or instantly recover files inside a VM. Customers can configure backup either from Recovery Services vault or directly from VM management blade. However, we have seen customers missing on configuring backup and risking their critical data. Today we are making a step towards making sure that we advise you to protect your VMs using backup with Advisor recommendations, made generally available last week.

Azure Advisors, is a personalized cloud consultant that helps to optimize use of Cloud, as customers start on their digital transformation using Azure. It analyzes your Azure usage and provides timely recommendations to help optimize and secure your deployments. It provides recommendations in four categories: High Availability, Security, Performance and Cost. With this announcement, it can provide recommendations about virtual machines which are not backed up and with few clicks it will let you enable backup on those virtual machines.

Value Proposition:

Periodic Recommendations – Advisors provide hourly recommendations for virtual machines that are not backed up so that you never miss to backup important VMs. You can also control recommendations by snoozing them.

Seamless experience to backup – You can seamlessly enable backup on virtual machines by clicking on a recommendation and by specifying vault (where backups will be stored) and backup policy (schedule of backups and retention of backup copies).

Freedom from infrastructure – With Azure Backup integration into recoomendations, you need not provision any additional infrastructure to configure backup.

Application consistent backup – Azure Backup provides application consistent backup for Windows and Linux and by configuring backup using recommendations, you will get a consistent backup without the need to shut down the virtual machine.


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Quelle: Azure