Docker Weekly | Roundup

This week, we’re taking a look at how to quickly create a swarm cluster, setup a mail forwarder on Docker, and better understand the new Docker 1.12.0 load-balancing feature. As we begin a new week, let’s recap our top 5 most-read stories for the week of August 7, 2016:

1. Docker Cheat Sheet: a quick reference guide on how to initialize swarm mode, build an image from the Dockerfile, and pull an image from a registry.
2. cURL with HTTP2 Support: build a Dockerfile to create a minimal, Alpine Linux-based image with support for HTTP2. Emphasis on keeping the generated image small and customizing curl by Nathan LeClaire.
3. Distributed Application Bundles: tutorial on how to create a demo swarm cluster composed of Docker machines and deploy a service using a dab file by Viktor Farcic.
4. Setting up Mail Forwarder: create email addresses for your domain, provide address for the mails forwarded, and pass information to the Docker container via environment variables by Brian Christner.
5. Load-Balancing Feature: in-depth overview of what’s new in Docker 1.12.0 load-balancing feature by Ajeet Singh Raina

Top 5 most popular Docker stories of the week via @DockerClick To Tweet
