Docker Online Meetup recap: Introducing Docker 1.13

Last week, we released 1.13 to introduce several new enhancements in addition to building on and improving Docker swarm mode introduced in Docker 1.12. Docker 1.13 has many new features and fixes that we are excited about, so we asked core team member and release captain, Victor Vieux to introduce Docker 1.13 in an online .
The meetup took place on Wednesday, Jan 25 and over 1000 people RSVPed to hear Victor’s presentation live. Victor gave an overview and demo of many of the new features:

Restructuration of CLI commands
Experimental build
CLI backward compatibility
Swarm default encryption at rest
Compose to Swarm
Data management commands
Brand new “init system
Various orchestration enhancements

In case you missed it, you can watch the recording and access Victor’s slides below.

Below is a short list of the questions asked to Victor at the end of the Online meetup:
Q: What will happened if we call docker stack deploy multiple times to the same file?
A: All the services that were modified in the compose file will be updated according to their respective update policy. It won’t recreate a new stack, update the current one. Same mechanism used in the docker-compose python tool.
Q: In &;docker system df&8220;, what exactly constitutes an &8220;active&; image?
A: It means it’s associated with a container, if you have (even stopped) container(s) using the `redis` image, then the `redis` images is “active”
Q: criu integration is available with `–experimental` then?
A: Yes! One of the many features I didn’t cover in the slides as there are so many new ones in Docker 1.13. There is no need to download a separate build anymore, it’s just a flag away
Q: When will we know when certain features are out of the experimental state and part of the foundation of this product?
A: Usually experimental features tend to remain in an experimental state for only one release. Larger or more complex features and capabilities may require two releases to gather feedback and make incremental improvements.
Q: Can I configure docker with multiple registries (some private and some public)?
A: It’s not really necessary to configure docker as the “configuration” happen in the image name.
docker pull and docker pull

Missed the Intro to Docker 1.13 online meetup w/ @vieux? Check out the video & slides here!Click To Tweet

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