Digging deep on PHP 7.1 for Google App Engine

By Brent Shaffer, Developer Programs Engineer, Google Cloud Platform

Developers love to build web applications and APIs with , and we were delighted to announce last week at Google Cloud Next ‘17 that PHP 7.1 is available on Google App Engine. App Engine is our easy-to-use platform for building, deploying, managing and automatically scaling services on Google’s infrastructure. The PHP 7.1 runtime is available on the App Engine flexible environment, and is currently in beta.

Getting started

To help you get started with PHP on App Engine, we’ve built a collection of getting started guides, samples, codelabs and interactive tutorials that walk through creating your code, using our APIs and services, and deploying to production.

When running PHP on App Engine, you can use the tools and databases you already know and love, including Laravel, Symfony, WordPress, or any other web framework. You can also use MongoDB, MySQL, or Cloud Datastore to store your data. And while the runtime is flexible enough to manage most applications and services, if you want more control over the underlying infrastructure, you can easily migrate to Google Container Engine or Google Compute Engine.

Deploying to App Engine on PHP 7.1

To deploy a simple application to App Engine on PHP 7.1, download and install the Google Cloud SDK. Once you’ve done this, run the following commands:

$ echo ” index.php
$ gcloud app deploy

This generates an app.yaml with the following values:

env: flex
runtime: php
document_root: .

Once the application is deployed, you can view it in the browser, or go to the Cloud Console to view the running instances.

Installing dependencies

For dependency management, we recommend using Composer. With it, dependencies declared in composer.json are automatically installed when deployed to App Engine Flexible Environment. In addition, it uses the PHP version specified in composer.json in your deployment.

$ composer require “php:7.1.*” –ignore-platform-reqs

Using Google’s APIs and services

Using the Google Cloud client library, you can take advantage of our advanced APIs and services such as our scalable NoSQL database Google Cloud Datastore, Google Cloud Pub/Sub, and Google BigQuery. To use the Google Cloud client library, install the code using Composer (this example assumes composer is installed globally):

composer require google/cloud

This creates a file composer.json with the most recent version of Google Cloud PHP (currently 0.24.0).

“require”: {
“google/cloud”: “^0.24.0″

App Engine detects the project ID of the instance and authenticates using the App Engine service account. That means you can run, say, a BigQuery query with a few lines of code, with no additional authentication! For example, add the following code to index.php to call BigQuery:

require_once __DIR__ . ‘/vendor/autoload.php';
$client = new GoogleCloudBigQueryBigQueryClient();
$query = ‘SELECT TOP(corpus, 10) as title, COUNT(*) as unique_words ‘ .
‘FROM [publicdata:samples.shakespeare]';
$queryResults = $client->runQuery($query);
foreach ($queryResults->rows() as $result) {
print($result[‘title’] . ‘: ‘ . $result[‘unique_words’] . PHP_EOL);

Add this to a directory with the above composer.json file, and deploy it to App Engine flexible environment:

gcloud app deploy
gcloud app browse

The second command will open your browser window to your deployed project, and you will see a printed list of BigQuery results!

Use your favorite framework

The PHP community uses a myriad of frameworks. We have code samples for setting up applications in Laravel, Symfony, Drupal, WordPress, and Silex, as well as a WordPress plugin that integrates with Google Cloud Storage. Keep an eye on the tutorials page as we add more frameworks and libraries, and be sure to create an issue for any tutorials you’d like to see.

Commitment to PHP and open source

At Google, we’re committed to open source. As such, the new core PHP Docker runtime, google-cloud composer package and Google API client are all open source:





We’re thrilled to welcome PHP developers to Google Cloud Platform, and we’re committed to making further investments to help make you as productive as possible. This is just the start — stay tuned to the blog and our GitHub repositories to catch the next wave of PHP support on GCP.

We can’t wait to hear from you. Feel free to reach out to us on Twitter @googlecloud, or request an invite to the Google Cloud Slack community and join the PHP channel.
Quelle: Google Cloud Platform