Creating and accessing a Kubernetes cluster on OpenStack, part 2: Access the cluster

The post Creating and accessing a Kubernetes cluster on OpenStack, part 2: Access the cluster appeared first on Mirantis | The Pure Play OpenStack Company.
To access the Kubernetes cluster we created in part 1, we&;re going to create a Ubuntu VM (if you have a Ubuntu machine handy you can skip this step), then configure it to access the Kubernetes API we just deployed.
Create the client VM

Create a new VM by choosing Project->Compute->Intances->Launch Instance:

Fortunately you don&8217;t have to worry about obtaining an image, because you&8217;ll have the Ubuntu Kubernetes image that was downloaded as part of the Murano app. Click the plus sign (+) to choose it.  (You can choose another distro if you like, but these instructions assume you&8217;re using Ubuntu.)

You don&8217;t need a big server for this, but it needs to be big enough for the Ubuntu image we selected, so choose the m1.small flavor:

Chances are it&8217;s already on the network with the cluster, but that doesn&8217;t matter; we&8217;ll be using floating IPs anyway. Just make sure it&8217;s on a network, period.

Next make sure you have a key pair, because we need to log into this machine:

After it launches&;

Add a floating IP if necessary to access it by clicking the down arrow on the button at the end of the line and choosing Associate Floating IP.  If you don&8217;t have any floating IP addresses allocated, click the plus sign (+) to allocate a new one:

Choose the appropriate network and click Allocate IP:

Now add it to your VM:

You&8217;ll see the new Floating IP listed with the Instance:

Before you can log in, however, you&8217;ll need to make sure that the security group allows for SSH access. Choose Project->Compute->Access & Security and click Manage Rules for the default security group:

Click +Add Rule:

Under Rule, choose SSH at the bottom and click Add.

You&8217;ll see the new rule on the Manage Rules page:

Now use your SSH client to go ahead and log in using the username ubuntu and the private key you specified when you created the VM.

Now you&8217;re ready to actually deploy containers to the cluster.

The post Creating and accessing a Kubernetes cluster on OpenStack, part 2: Access the cluster appeared first on Mirantis | The Pure Play OpenStack Company.
Quelle: Mirantis