CloudForms 4.7 Beta

The CloudForms team is proud to announce the release of CloudForms 4.7 Beta1. Based on the ManageIQ Hammer release, this release contains several enhancements and bug fixes and is the result of about many months of upstream development.
Some of the notable enhancements include:

Ansible improvements, including integration with external Ansible Tower workflows.
Enhancements in OpenStack: new Dashboard and the ability to discover OpenStack Director Providers
New provider for Nuage, which gives the ability to manage its services from CloudForms
New provider for Red Fish (Tech Preview) that allows managing physical services in a similar way as we manage virtual machines
Improvements in the Lenovo providers, like rack topology or Ansible playbook execution against physical resources

For more details and a list of all other improvements see the release notes.
We’d like to encourage all of our customers to download the beta from and to try it out. Any issues can be reported by opening a case with Red Hat support.
Quelle: CloudForms