Bundle solutions with WebSphere Liberty

Some things are just meant to go together. Peanut butter and jelly, milk and cookies, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, macaroni and cheese—the list could go on and on.
If you’re looking to pair your Java EE application server with something that’s also fast and dynamic, look no further than WebSphere Liberty. WebSphere Liberty is a highly composable, flexible profile of WebSphere Application Server (WAS). It’s ideal for developers and ready for production, both on premises or in the cloud.
Many IBM products use a Java EE application server to deliver their unique functionality. Sometimes it’s a standalone web-based tool. Other times, the core functionality of the product is delivered through a Java EE application. WebSphere Liberty provides the underlying capability for more than 200 products.
Most of these IBM products embed WebSphere Liberty, meaning users of these products might not be aware that Liberty is running underneath. Even service to Liberty itself is seamlessly provided by the product that embeds it. As of 2017, we have 108 products that embed Liberty, and we continue to add Liberty to 10 to 15 products monthly. Users of these products don’t use the Java EE application server in WebSphere Liberty directly, but Jave EE underpins products’ capabilities.
For example, IBM BlueworksLive is a cloud-based IBM product that helps you model and improve your business processes. It’s a Java EE application that runs entirely within WebSphere Liberty. Another example is Watson Care Manager for personalized care plans, automated care management workflows and integrated patient engagement capabilities. Watson Care Manager had its roots on-premises. When it was moved to the cloud, WebSphere Liberty gave Watson Care Manager configuration mechanisms that enabled the rollout and management of large numbers of application servers by DevOps organizations.
WebSphere Liberty has an architecture that provides many significant advantages. It provides simple deployment and installation as well as the ability to provide a low-overhead Java runtime environment that’s well suited for hosting cloud applications, including microservices. But to receive the full benefits of WebSphere Liberty, you can easily package it with other IBM products and further enhance your capabilities. Consider WebSphere Liberty the Batman to your Robin, or the Calvin to your Hobbes.
Learn more about the partner that awaits you, and how together you can reach new heights. For more information on WebSphere Liberty and key products to bundle with this solution, click here.
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Quelle: Thoughts on Cloud