Announcing the Docker Customer Innovation Awards

We are excited to announce the first annual Docker Customer Innovation Award winners at DockerCon Barcelona today! We launched the awards this year to recognize customers who stand out in their adoption of Docker Enterprise platform to drive transformation within IT and their business.
38 companies were nominated, all of whom have spoken publicly about their containerization initiatives recently, or plan to soon. From looking at so many excellent nominees, we realized there were really two different stories — so we created two award categories. In each category, we have a winner and three finalists.
Business Transformation
Customers in this category have developed company-wide initiatives aimed at transforming IT and their business in a significant way, with Docker Enterprise as a key part if it. They typically started their journey two or more years ago and have containerized multiple applications across the organization.


Societe Generale transformed how the bank develops its software by building a container platform for migrating thousands of its applications to the cloud.



Bosch built a global platform that enables developers to build and deliver new software solutions and updates at digital speed.

Liberty Mutual consolidated infrastructure and VMs significantly, paving the way for innovation and a multi-cloud future.

MetLife modernized hundreds of traditional applications, driving 66 percent cost savings and creating a self-funding model to fuel change and innovation. Cut new product time to market by two-thirds.

Rising Stars
Customers in this category are early in their containerization journey and have already leveraged their first project with Docker Enterprise as a catalyst to innovate their business — often creating new applications or services.


Desigual built a brand new in-store shopping experience app in less than 5 months to connect customers and associates, creating an outstanding brand and shopping experience.


BCG leverages Docker Enterprise to develop breakthrough analytics and machine-learning solutions for clients with BCG’s offering.

Citizens Bank (Franklin American Mortgage) created a dedicated innovation team sparked cultural change at a traditional mortgage company, allowing it to bring new products to market in weeks or months.
The Dutch Ministry of Justice evaluated Docker Enterprise as a way to accelerate application development, which helped spark an effort to modernize juvenile custodian services from whiteboards and sticky notes to a mobile app.

We want to give a big thanks to the winners and finalists, and to all of our remarkable customers have started innovation journeys with Docker.
We’ve opened the nomination process for 2019 since we will be announcing winners at DockerCon 2019 on April 29-May 2. If you’re interested in submitting or want to nominate someone else, you can learn how here.

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