Three key use cases of private clouds today

What if you could benefit from the cloud without giving up control? Mind blown? It can be done. The answer is a combination of good practices and the right cloud technology.
For example, administrators and developers have the power to support each other. When Dev shares a secure and reliable platform that Ops manages, they can innovate more rapidly, even as business requirements change. In this model, Ops gives Dev the tools, speed and flexibility to build applications, even in sensitive or highly-regulated environments. A private cloud platform that acknowledges the needs of the enterprise can facilitate and strengthen developers’ work, and the enterprise benefits from agile development practices.
After working with many clients’ teams, here are what I would identify as three of the best use cases for private cloud.
1. Optimize / modernize applications on cloud
Some existing enterprise apps aren’t easily extended to the cloud and require specialists. Cultural and organizational silos prevent developers using modern cloud development practices from accessing these heritage apps. This is one advantage of moving to cloud-enabled, componentized and consistently managed apps. If you’ve invested in previous apps, you don’t have to start from scratch.
With a microservices framework, you can construct systems from a collection of small services with their own processes that communicate though lightweight protocols. Refactoring existing applications or their parts into microservices makes sense. A private cloud is the ideal point to modernize and unify tools, developers and software.
2. Open your data center to work with cloud services
Developers want to create cloud-native apps on a private cloud to integrate data and app services from existing apps or new, public cloud services. They want the immense processing capacity available on their mainframes for large analytics jobs. What if they could pull mainframe data into an application on a private cloud that can leverage an external push notification service hosted on a public cloud? This way all their needs are met.
3. Create new cloud-native applications
Cloud-native applications are built with a variety of runtimes. Application portability should be a key feature of any cloud platform. What if developers could build cloud-native applications anywhere and move them anywhere, using their tool chains without compromising security and compliance?
How IBM meets these needs
IBM has a private cloud platform — IBM Cloud Private. Our principles, based on years of working with developers and operators, allow us to meet your needs in these two key ways:
1. We are enterprise-focused
Our platform allows you to take a microservices architecture approach. Many of the advantages of microservices come from resource isolation, scale up and scale down, and lightweight movement of application workloads.
As the number of microservices constituting an application grows, management and overhead become more complex. Developers need to discover existing services to avoid duplication while administrators need to monitor and secure the environment. The IBM Cloud Private platform allows development and operations teams to build, deploy and manage workloads built as microservices. Because IBM Cloud Private is deployed on-premise, workloads requiring low-latency access to enterprise APIs benefit.
2. Our platform has application services
Application services are runtimes, software, data and other services that can be added to cloud-native applications or connected to existing ones. IBM Cloud Private allows teams to create and stand up elastic runtimes based on workloads. IBM packages both open-source and IBM software, as well as databases with capabilities to build and run enterprise workloads. IBM also delivers enhanced support to run CPU-intensive capabilities such as machine learning or data analytics by taking advantage of Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) clusters.
These application services have been built or re-imagined for cloud-native workloads and influenced by the long history IBM has with enterprise workloads. Developers can use the application services they want while operations can ensure the catalog of services is up to date and available to their teams, whether geographically/network isolated or fully connected. IBM Cloud Private recognizes that enterprises need flexibility, expect IBM to embrace open technologies and desire a strong point of view for managing, developing and delivering their enterprise workloads.
If you’d like to talk more about these ideas and see IBM Cloud Private in action, I’ll be speaking at Java One in San Francisco. Here are the details on my talk:
Modernize Your Enterprise Apps for Microservices with IBM Cloud Private [CON7971]
Tuesday, Oct 03, 3:00 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. | Moscone West – Room 2012
Find our more and register for Java One, October 1-5, San Francisco, CA.
Want to try IBM Cloud Private?
These are only some of the many reasons why this is such a great cloud solution. You can install IBM Cloud Private Community Edition (CE) at no charge. You can also learn more about IBM Cloud Private on the official website.
The post Three key use cases of private clouds today appeared first on Cloud computing news.
Quelle: Thoughts on Cloud