8 must-see sessions for application developers at Google Cloud Next ’17

By Chris Sells, Product Manager, Google Cloud

With 200-plus sessions to choose from at Google Cloud Next ‘17 on March 8 – 10, there’s a little bit of something for everyone. But if you’re an application developer coming to the show, here are a few sessions in particular that I recommend you check out.

The most popular application development platform on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is Java. If that describes your shop, be sure to check out “Power your Java workloads on Google Cloud Platform,” with Amir Rouzrokh, Product Manager for all things Java on GCP. Amir will show attendees how to deploy a Spring Boot application to GCP, plus how to use Cloud Tools for IntelliJ to troubleshoot production problems.

In the past year, we’ve also made big strides supporting Microsoft platforms like ASP.NET on GCP. For a taste, check out Google Developer Advocate Mete Atamel’s talk “Take your ASP.NET apps to the next level with Google Cloud,” where he’ll cover how to migrate an ASP.NET app to GCP, how to work with our Powersehll cmdlets and Visual Studio plugins and how to tie into advanced GCP services like Google Cloud Storage, Cloud Pub/Sub and our Machine Learning APIs. Then there’s “Running .NET and containers in Google Cloud Platform” with Jon Skeet and Chris Smith, who will show you the next generation of OSS, cross-platform .NET Core apps running in Containers in Google App Engine and in Kubernetes.

Speaking of App Engine, here’s your chance to learn all about App Engine flexible environment, our next-generation PaaS offering. In “You can run that on App Engine?,” Product Manager Justin Beckwith shows you how to easily build production-scale web apps for an expanded variety of application patterns.

We’re also excited to talk more about Apigee, the API management platform we acquired in the fall. At “Using Apigee Edge to create and publish APIs that developers love,” Greg Brail, Principal Software Engineer and Prithpal Bhogil, GCP Sales Engineer, will walk developers through how to use Apigee Edge and best practices for building developer-friendly APIs.

Newcomers to GCP may also enjoy Google Cloud Product Manager Omar Ayoub’s session, “Developing made easy on Google Cloud Platform”, where we’ll provide an overview of all the different libraries, IDE and framework integrations and other tools for developing applications on GCP.

But the hottest application development topic at Next ’17 is arguably Google Cloud Functions, our event-based computing platform that we announced in alpha last year. For an introduction to Cloud Functions, there’s “Building serverless applications with Google Cloud Functions” with Product Manager Jason Polites. Mobile developers should also consider “Google Cloud Functions and Firebase”, marrying our mobile backend as a service offering with Cloud Functions’ lightweight, asynchronous compute.

Of course, that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to application development sessions. Be sure to check out the full session catalog, and register sooner rather than later to secure your spot in the most coveted sessions and bootcamps.
Quelle: Google Cloud Platform