The Alt-Right’s Meltdown Is Just Like Any Other Message Board Drama

Things have gotten bumpy for the alt-right online movement since the election. It’s facing an identity crisis (what does it mean to be the “alt” if you’re getting what you want?) and grappling with certain fundamental questions like “Are we OK with Nazis?” (Even if its very name was coined by, well, Nazis.) The handful of leaders who emerged over the last year or two are at odds with each other over those and other questions, forcing helpless anime-avatared Twitter trolls caught in the middle to choose sides.

The kerfuffle surrounds the DeploraBall, a black-tie-optional party in DC on Inauguration Night. There has been nasty and public fighting among the organizers. Stick with me here: Mike Cernovich, a lawyer who became an alt-right leader after taking up the GamerGate mantle, feuded with a fellow leader who goes by “Baked Alaska” and announced that Baked Alaska had been removed from headlining the event because he had said anti-Semitic things on Twitter. Another leader, Bill Mitchell, announced he was no longer part of the alt-right after they started using the racist hashtag . And just recently, Baked Alaska accused (and sources confirmed to BuzzFeed News) one of the DeploraBall organizers of planting a “rape Melania” sign at an anti-Trump protest in an attempt to make protesters look depraved. In the latest surreal twist, a popular alt-right podcaster and founder of the website The Right Stuff was revealed to have a Jewish wife, which sent his fans into a tailspin.

At first, this disarray might seem surprising. After all, the alt-right claims to be an unprecedented political phenomenon that memed a president into office. But if you want to understand what’s happening there, it’s helpful to think about it as an internet-first creature. While it’s possible — and necessary — to view it through the lens of political or social thought that it echoes, the other way of making sense of it is to look at it as a digital community, regardless of its politics. And if you view it as an online community rather than a political movement, its trajectory starts to look very, very familiar.

What we have here is a classic case of “mod drama.”

As someone who has spent a lot of time taxonimizing online communities, from places like Fark to SomethingAwful, 4chan to Facebook groups for moms, I can assure you that one need only look at how other internet groups rise and fall to see what’s happening in the alt-right.


. IRL gone wrong:

KnowYourMeme / Via

The first stage of an online community hive death is the disastrous IRL meetup — for the alt-right this seems to be the DeploraBall. It’s also worth noting that the event does not even need to take place — the disaster can arise simply in the organizing of it. People who spend vast amounts of time on the internet are perhaps not best suited to real-world planning and action. There’s a rich graveyard of notable away-from-keyboard flameouts. Here are just a few examples:

  • DashCon: A meetup for Tumblr users that went so poorly it became a punchline of the worst stereotypes of Tumblr users. The organizers ran into money problems, claiming they needed more money from convention attendees (who had already paid for passes in advance) to keep the hotel space. After a speaker canceled, rumors flew that attendees would only receive compensation in the form of a free hour in the world’s saddest ball pit. (Eventually, organizers sent an email offering refunds.)
  • Goon Island: In 2009, a group of posters from the message board Something Awful attempted to move to Hawaii and live off the land. To the amusement of users on a different board from the same site, the group of message board posters was not exactly suited to life in the wild jungle. One moment in particular — a photo of one of the “goons” (as Something Awful posters call themselves) trying to shoot a wild pig with a BB gun — encapsulated how underprepared they were for the jungle.
  • Celeb Heights: If you’ve ever googled a famous person’s height (which, weirdly, you probably have), chances are you’ve ended up on a, a forum for a small subculture of people obsessed with celebrity sizes. When the owner of the site finally met up with one of the most prolific volunteers, he was shocked to discover the volunteer was shorter than he claimed, thereby throwing off everything he posted. A massive blog post about the drama was made, and the volunteer was permabanned.

2. Metaboard mocking:

Stage two takes place when the community members begin to question their community and leadership within the community itself, using its existing norms and forums to make their points. (On a traditional forum this would take place on the metaboard — a board to talk about the board.) This then forces community leaders to react, and sometimes to overreact. On Reddit, this exists as the /circlejerk board — a board that exists just to make fun of stuff that happens on the other channels, and sometimes to make fun of the admins and leaders.

For the alt-right, Twitter acts as its own form of metaboard — and unlike traditional metaboards, the discussion that happens there takes place in public. Bickering between the leaders like Mike Cernovich, Milo Yiannopoulos, and Baked Alaska over the DeploraBall has created rifts among the loyal. They in turn have begun attacking leadership, often using the same language and tactics previously used by the leadership itself. For example, calling Cernovich “Cuckovich”:

3. Splinter board formation:

Phase three, often a sure indicator of imminent online hive death, is the schism of the most devout into two groups, one of which decamps to another forum. This is also known as “the splinter board.” You can think of the splinter board as an inevitable consequence of the metaboard infighting when things really go south. This trajectory typically happens after moderators of the board run afoul of devout users, usually by instituting hardline rules or issuing bans on users.

One of the best examples of a splinter board is 4chan/8chan. In 2013, 4chan’s admin cracked down on GamerGate talk, and that faction fled to another site, 8chan, who promised an uncensored refuge for those deemed literally too nasty for 4chan.

But splinter boards aren’t just for raucous places like 4chan — you see it in all sorts of tamer internet worlds. For Facebook groups, the telltale signs are in the group names, where a group may proudly proclaim it’s splinter status. Take “Suffolk county thrift without the dumb rules,” a group for buy/sell/trade on Long Island. Clearly, some bad shit went down in the regular Suffolk county thrift group and a new, more lawless group was formed. A popular group for “freebirth” (no midwives or even checkups while pregnant) would ban people who mentioned any sort of medical talk — leading to the splinter group “Freebirth/Unassisted birth — NO JUDGEMENT&;”

For the alt-right, this splinter board schism is well underway.

Just before the New Year, Bill Mitchell, a prolific tweeter and radio host, announced that he was no longer affiliated with the alt-right after he was shocked — shocked&033; — to discover that the alt-right *may* be anti-Semitic and racist. He announced he was now going to be .

In the world of the alt-right — which has a slew of discussion forums, but its most public one is on Twitter — a hashtag can be its own universe. People follow these tags as much as they do individuals. They use the tags to organize themselves and keep up with the latest discussions. So, when a prominent figure rallies around a new one, that person is basically creating a splinter board. Which leads to….

4. An identity crisis of priorities, complete with censorship and fear of outsiders:

In the Neopets forums, a place for people to discuss an online role-playing game for children, experienced a crisis of censorship when mods had to ban any discussion of the Twilight series, going so far as to ban the keywords “Edward,” “Bella,” and “Jacob.”

A community for fans of the parenting podcast The Longest Shortest Time had a meltdown and eventually shut down their Facebook group when social justice topics kept coming up and the discussion became too heated.

A Facebook group for women writers to network, called Binders Full of Women, asked members not to talk about the existence of the group — something that became increasingly improbable as it ballooned to tens of thousands of members. When someone wrote about the group for Vogue, the author was instantly banned and mods treated it as the ultimate betrayal. Yet the group splintered and persisted with real-world conventions for female writers called BinderCon. At least until this year, when there was a dustup over breastfeeding mothers not being allowed to bring their infants (see: Phase 1 about IRL meetup disasters).

The central issue the alt-right seems to be struggling with is to what degree they’re willing to either support or tolerate actual white supremacists and white nationalists — either because they disagree with the actual dogma or because they’re just afraid that it looks bad to outsiders.

And those optics to outsiders are starting to matter more now that the alt-right&;s candidate of choice is in power. Once the goal of getting Trump elected was realized, some of its leaders are experiencing their own swings at mainstream success beyond just “popular poster on the internet.” Bill Mitchell, who gained attention by accurately predicting the election and tweeting A LOT, now appears on Fox News and has ambitions to join the mainstream news media. Milo Yiannopoulos, who was banned from Twitter permanently for writing bad things, is now reportedly being paid $250,000 by Simon & Schuster to write things in book form. For the leaders, real money and careers are at stake over what is acceptable speech within the alt-right.

Having “mod drama” has nothing to do with the political leanings of the alt-right or the fact that it’s mostly male. On the other side of the spectrum, the Facebook pages for people supporting the Women’s March on Washington have become similar epicenters of infighting and mod drama. According to the New York Times, when admins changed the name of one local march page, “many applauded the name change, which was meant to signal the start of a new social justice movement in Nashville, [but] some complained that the event had turned from a march for all women into a march for black women.”

Just as some online dissent about the dogma of a feminist march doesn’t mean the march won’t happen or its goals won’t be achieved, the mod drama of the alt-right doesn’t necessarily diminish its influence. The breakup of the centralized leadership may end up making it more powerful — if the “actual Nazis” cleave to one side, then the “I don’t approve of Nazis” crew like Bill Mitchell will be able to become more mainstream.

It’s impossible to say how the alt-right’s mod drama will ultimately play out. It’s a long way from memers to Neopets posters — one is filled with horrible people bent on moving the Overton window of acceptable social norms and the other is lousy with white supremacists. (I kid&033; I kid&033;) But while we may not be able to tell the future, the past is often a pretty good precedent. So I would humbly suggest, for the movement’s sake, that they invest in a really good ball pit for the inauguration.

Quelle: <a href="The Alt-Right’s Meltdown Is Just Like Any Other Message Board Drama“>BuzzFeed

Here Are The 294 Accounts Donald Trump Retweeted During The Election

With the touch of the retweet button, Donald Trump — who has some 17.5 million followers — can program the news cycle. He can amplify formerly unknown accounts, signal what voices he&;s listening to, and tacitly endorse individuals and ideas, no matter how controversial: Trump, more than any politician or powerful figure with access to a smartphone, understands and uses the now-cliche “retweets are not endorsements” maxim to his advantage.

To better understand which individuals and institutions the President-elect relies on as social media surrogates, BuzzFeed News compiled a complete list of users Trump has retweeted since he launched his presidential campaign.

We reviewed 26,377 of Trump’s 34,152 tweets, which we received through the Twitter API and developer Brendan Brown, who has archived Trump’s tweets beyond what is accessible via the API (a stream of data that includes information like tweet text, time, and date). We filtered that data down to the 2,760 hyperlinks tweeted by Trump’s personal Twitter account since he announced his candidacy in June 2015 up until December 15 of this year.

By programmatically expanding the links we were able to narrow them down to the links he tweeted from Twitter (retweets show up as links from when downloaded as data), filtered out the ones that were media tweets and were left with all the manual, regular and quote tweets Trump had sent through his account. Fourteen of the accounts that Trump has retweeted are no longer active. Among those fourteen, five accounts — White GenocideTM, babo_siren, Campaign_Trump, patrioticpepe, and TMoody — were suspended (Twitter suspends accounts when users violate its rules, most commonly if the account spams people, may have been hacked, or is engaging in abusive behavior).

Analysis of the accounts Trump has retweeted reveals several distinct patterns:

Trump appears willing to retweet almost anyone. Unlike most mainstream politicians, who carefully select the accounts they&039;ll amplify, Trump is comfortable retweeting a truly diverse array of accounts. Just last month, the President-elect retweeted a 16 year-old from California as evidence to support a Twitter feud with CNN. He does not discriminate based on number of followers (he retweeted an account with just 2 followers), number of tweets (he retweeted the first tweet from a woman who, to date, has only tweeted five times), or the contents of someone&039;s account bio (he retweeted one user whose bio at the time was: “Mexico, get ready to receive your finest citizens back&; Rapists, Thieves & Perverts”).

But he is most likely to boost the signal from his inner circle and friendly members of the press. The accounts he retweets the most were those of campaign advisors and some chosen members of the press, including his social media lead, Dan Scavino (21 RTs); his son, Eric Trump (5); Fox News&039; Greta Van Susteren (4); MSNBC host Joe Scarborough (4); former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (3); Lifezette editor and conservative pundit Laura Ingraham (3); and Bloomberg Politics&039; Mark Halperin (2).

The President-elect, despite his repeated claims of a deeply biased mainstream media, retweets a high number of legacy media outlets. Among his most tweeted news accounts: Fox News (7 RTs), Fox And Friends (6), ABC (3), CNN (3), and Morning Joe (2). In nearly every instance, the retweeted accounts shared news items or memes about polls that favored Trump (many from the primaries), or negative articles about Hillary Clinton — many of them aggregations of WikiLeaks emails. Trump also appears to be eager to promote positive news about him from pop culture and entertainment accounts, as evidenced by his retweeting Saturday Night Live&039;s account three times.

On occasion, Trump will retweet a user from the other side of the aisle. This tends to happen under two circumstances:

) When an account says something positive about him (in one instance, Trump retweeted former Obama Senior Advisor Dan Pfeiffer, who suggested Trump understood the internet better than most democrats):

2.) To attempt to attack his opponents — as he did here last June with Hillary Clinton:

He has retweeted accounts with clear ties to the alt-right on numerous occasions. Trump recently told the New York Times he disavowed the movement and suggested he didn&039;t want to energize the group.” However, throughout the 2016 campaign, Trump retweeted three separate users with the words “alt-right” in their bios. He retweeted “WhiteGenocideTM,” and four with “” in their bios. One account that the President-elect retweeted (a bot, it turns out) had the phrase “” in the bio — a reference to Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda minister in Hitler&039;s Germany

Other items of note include:

- 151 of the 294 individual accounts Trump retweeted during the campaign mention the word “Trump” in the bio or account display name.

- 22 accounts have the Make America Great Again hashtag, , in theirs.

-14 accounts have the word “deplorable” in the bio or account display name.

- 9 accounts have the word “veteran” in the bio or account display name.

- 2 accounts have a frog emoji in the bio or account display name, presumably a reference to Pepe.

But there&039;s no better way to get a peek into Trump&039;s Twitter mindset than to explore the accounts he&039;s retweeted for yourself. Below, we&039;ve included every account he&039;s retweeted, in order of the number of times Trump has RT&039;d the account (Of note: the bios and follower counts are current as of when BuzzFeed News scraped the data on December 7th, 2016, and may not necessarily reflect the bio or follower accounts on the day Trump retweeted them). There&039;s also a full graphic at the end of the list.




Dan Scavino Jr (241,484 followers): June 2015 – Current: Director of Social Media & Senior Advisor to President-elect Donald J. Trump Conductor


Official Team Trump (372,885 followers): Welcome To The Official Account. Together, We WILL &033;


Fox News (12,068,826 followers): America’s Strongest Primetime Lineup Anywhere&033; Follow America&039;s 1 cable news network, delivering you breaking news, insightful analysis, and must-see videos.


FOX & Friends (700,152 followers): America&039;s 1 cable morning news show


Eric Trump (725,051 followers): EVP of Development & Acquisitions, The Trump Organization. Founder of EricTrumpFDN benefiting StJude Children&039;s Research Hospital. Husband to LaraLeaTrump


Joe Scarborough (653,550 followers): We can love completely without complete understanding.

Greta Van Susteren (1,109,570 followers): Retweets are just retweets; RT does not mean I agree or disagree….I am merely retweeting;check out video reports


GENE (7,535 followers): blocked by rosie followed by marcuslemonis boygeorge & scottBaio Legal Italian Immigrant. Proud US Citizen,World Traveler With 25 Years of Business Dealings

Newt Gingrich (1,784,072 followers): Husband, father, grandfather, citizen, small businessman, author, former Speaker of the House.

Laura Ingraham (1,118,943): Mom, Editor-in-Chief of LifeZette. Host, The Laura Ingraham Show, 9 to Noon ET. Listen live, join Laura365 to listen 24/7. Fox News.

ABC News (8,248,722 followers): See the whole picture with ABC News. Join us on Facebook:

Saturday Night Live (1,749,560): The official Twitter handle for Saturday Night Live. Saturdays at 11:30/10:30c&033;

GOP (1,056,143 followers): Updates from the Republican National Committee

CNN (30,043,735 followers): It’s our job to and tell the most difficult stories. Come with us&033;



Don Vito (23,804 followers): American Patriot MakeAmericaGreatAgain AmericaFirst

TheAmericanLifeStyle (3,616 followers): Our American journey Start Now. •blest• TeamTrump MAGA DonaldJTrumpJr IvankaTrump EricTrump TiffanyATrump

Deplorable Vlad (8,582 followers): Waterboarding&039;s too good for them. I&039;m staking my vote on TRUMP&033;

Diamond and Silk® (197,218 followers):

Trump Phenomenon (2,863 followers): Trump Landslide 2016

Willie Robertson (2,441,160 followers): President of Duck and Buck Commander. Personality on both, Duck Dynasty and Buck Commander Protected by Under Armour.

Morning Joe (280,073 followers): Live tweet during the show&033; Links to must-read op-eds and other features. Feed managed by MJ staff. Retweets not necessarily endorsements.

Gravis Marketing (2,823 followers): Gravis Marketing is a communications company, specializing in public opinion polls, public relations, political strategy, and research.

Roni Seale (6,210 followers): But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.
Matthew 19:26 (KJV)

Piers Morgan (5,292,866 followers): &039;&039;One day you&039;re the cock of the walk, the next a feather duster.&039;

Mark Halperin (253,218 followers): Managing editor, Bloomberg Politics; host, With All Due Respect; correspondent/EP, SHO_TheCircus; co-author, Game Change & Double Down

Safety (3,215,464 followers): Helping you stay safe on Twitter.

(4,13,722 followers): National Rifle Association of America NRA

Emily Miller (58,635 followers): Senior Political Correspondent OANN. Armed. Wannabe Surfer. Author of Emily Gets Her Gun.

Ivanka Trump (2,498,905 followers): Wife, mother, entrepreneur. EVP, Trump Org. Founder, Author, Women Who Work: Rewriting the Rules for Success (out in March)

Joseph Monaco (2,567 followers): I HATE racists&033; Proud to be followed by Bill Mitchell Mitchellvii I&039;m strongly supporting Mr. Trump for President&033; TrumpPence16 TrumpTrain MAGA

Tom Winter (12,664 followers): NBC News Investigations reporter based in NYC focusing on Police, Courts, Corruption, Financial Fraud, and Homeland Security stories across the Eastern U.S.

Jason Bergkamp (59,251 followers): | | Nationalist &; | 0.2% Chosen and proud | An Anglo&039;s worst adversary | GoebbelsMindset

Katrina Pierson (242,737 followers): Senior Advisor Transition2017 & Former realDonaldTrump Natl Campaign Spokeswoman MakeAmericaGreatAgain Transition2017 MAGA

ABC News Politics (306,398 followers): Following ABC News&039; political team with tweets by: aabramson evanmcmurry and nickirossoll

Mark Cuban (6,040,253 followers):

1 Retweet:

Richard Hernandez (979 followers): Formerly NVGOP. Conservative. Originalist. Prior intern at Kramerica Industries. Tweets are my own. Temeculan.

Trump2016Media (3,528 followers): My Website is Updated Daily: 1000+ Interviews & Rallys, Articles, News, Media realDonaldTrump TrumpTrain MakeAmericaGreatAgain

Electra Goldwell (284 followers): I want God to make America Great again&033;

Amy Colley Tyson (403 followers): Follower of Christ, Wife, Mother, Family Nurse Practitioner, Former Miss Tennessee USA 2005, Supporter of H. Res. 752 and Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation

Donald Trump Florida (5,231 followers): Donald J. Trump for President (Florida – Official)

MariaRandisiErnandez (989 followers): Special Education Teacher &(Child Advocate).Interests:ELVIS, Hollywood,Music, Politics,Travel, Working Out, MAGATrumpTrain
*NO LISTS or B Blocked

RealBill (47 followers): [No Bio Listed]

Politics Today (54,257 followers): || CONSERVATIVE NEWS NETWORK|| News/Politics/Opinion – Reporter/Pundit Articles/Commentary Facebook:

Montana4Trump (1,452 followers): God Bless America. Conservative Catholic mother-daughter team Tweeted by: realDonaldTrump, mercedesschlapp, MattSchlapp, ktmcfarland.

USA For Trump 2016 (80,568 followers): Official USA for Trump 2016 Follow our new President Trump News Page TrumpsNewsDaily for great Trump news articles about his presidency&033;

Political Polls (46,266 followers): We are a non-partisan group dedicated to keep you informed with recent political polls from trusted polling companies and predictions from reputable pundits.

Antonio Valencia (18 followers): [No Bio Listed]

Karen Posey (15 followers): [No Bio Listed]

JohnnyBoy (2 followers): [No Bio Listed]

Corey R. Lewandowski (175,221 followers): CNN Political Commentator and former Campaign Manager for Donald J. Trump for President. MakeAmericaGreatAgain Trump2016

Eustace Bagge (291 followers): As seen on Fortune, Time, CSPAN. Aspiring Frogtwitterati.

Citizen Dale (19024 followers): Ind Engineer & business owner. Captain-Trumptbird Calling Team We&039;ve made over 80,000 calls for Donald J Trump&033; Producer of the Monster Vote video for Trump&033;

Deplorable C Lewis (1,223 followers): I VOTED for DONALD TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT If you support DONALD SPREAD THE TRUMP MESSAGE.

Deplorable MP95B (15,705 followers): US Army MP Veteran (No Combat) firm believer in US Constitution & 2A. NRA Lifetime Member. Strong Trump supporter. MakeAmericaGreatAgain Trump2016 NRA

RSBN TV (38,820 followers): Right Side Broadcasting Network. Following realdonaldtrump wherever he goes. 1 source for live political event coverage.

DiCristo Trump Won (4,833 followers): Love For God & Country. Make America Great Again&033; American Revolution Part Deus&033; TRUMP&033; Nov8 win gave us fighting chance&033; we have to beat Elites&033; MAGA

Polling Hub (44 followers): Polling averages for the 2016 U.S. presidential primaries. Accurate and up to date, we&039;re the most detailed poll aggregator tracking the 2016 presidential race.

Deplorable-Sweetie (22,432 followers): Put Americans first&033; Trump2016 &;(*&;&;&x275B;)/&x2DA; MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN&033; I will fight for MY PEOPLE. Nationalist No rapefugees or illegals&033; TrumpStrong

Italians For Trump (57,540 followers): We are ITALIAN-AMERICANS who proudly support realDonaldTrump our President-elect of the USA&033; DrainTheSwamp MAGA

NEPA for TRUMP (26,889 followers): Official realDonaldTrump Northeastern Pennsylvania Trump2016 MakeAmericaGreatAgain TeamTrump AmericaFirst TrumpTrain TrumpPence16

TrumpCoastOfSC (8,678 followers): Retweets & quoted tweets do not equal endorsement or agreement. Follow me also at

Deplorable Distler (1,247 followers): Donald J Trump is Americas last chance. LET FREEDOM RING&033;&033;

Bryan Ranzetta (260 followers): when kids look at me I say this is because I didn&039;t eat my vegetables

Elsa Aldeguer (1752 followers): Proud Latina Trump supporter from Los Angeles California God bless America and our New President Donald J Trump

Valdosta Monkey (116 followers): Wild monkey roaming the City of Valdosta. Always down for Netflix and peel. Lets Make America Great Again.

Quelle: <a href="Here Are The 294 Accounts Donald Trump Retweeted During The Election“>BuzzFeed